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In The Mouth of Madness


So was drinking my coffee and I started thinking about when I went down the rabbit hole of UFO's, Ghosts, Illuminati, Big Brother, God/devil, Parrllel Worlds or Dimensions etc.

Weather Manipulation, Poisoning our food/water/meds/air and even our frequencies etc etc.

Of course it sounds like the Ramblings of that uncle who did too much of the Brown Acid while watching "Faces of Death: Parts 1-5."

I am NOT pretending it sounds sane or correct.

I mean why would you believe some Semi-Racist, Mean, Semi-Homophobe, Semi Anti-DEI/Green/Vegan weirdo online who looks completely out of place in a "Alternative" website most likely ran by AI just for Ad sales?

Just kidding on the Semi...I'm fully racist and tend to be pretty homophobe/transphobe etc etc.

Anyways, I went back to 1994...I had ALWAYS been interested in the unknown, but that was the year I started to notice patterns of behavior and manipulation of society.

In small ways, THAT NOW HAVE LET TO A SLIPPERY SLOPE to the point there's government planes spreading aluminum in the air, flouride in the water, God knows in the vaccines, garbage GMO foods with no nutrients, HFS in everything, drugs being supplied by government agencies, water cremation remains being used as fertilizer, roach milk, cricket meat in multiple food products etc etc.

Degregation of the Nuclear Family/Gender/Education/Manners/Standards etc etc etc.

It was a slow collapse, done step by step, by taking over seats of power and changing things at the top then trickling all the way to the bottom to accept GARBAGE we never had before.

Each time they do something bad, they'd then pull back and see if we catch on...Then a year later they push a little more...Then wait...Then push over and over till they control everything.

At this point?  It's too late.

Even if Trump gets in and they don't force him out or just kill him...It can't be stopped.

It can be delayed, but it won't be stopped.

All Western Society from the US/Canada/NZ/Australia/UK/Ireland and MOST of the EU is a soft dictaorship.

The Economic/Fuel/Energy/Food Collapse has been mixed in too well.

You can soften the blow, but you're still getting punched.

All those weird theories I rant about, have government documentation and plenty of science behind it.

They tell you it's crazy...That no way would they fuck with the weather, be trying to open portals, be lying about the assasination of presidents and ministers around the world, that starvations and civil wars just happen out of the blue...BUT THEY'RE LYING.

Doesn't matter if you believe me or not, because I dare you to look back 10 years or even 5 years and not notice the complete difference in EVERYTHING.

SOMETHING is happening Worldwide...Not even a religious thing...But SOMETHING is happening to the point they don't even try to explain it away.

Instead they call you "A Liar, Crazy, Racist, Mean yadda yadda yadda"

Yet my own eyes see what's happening and sooner or later it gets so big you can't hide it any more.

I seriously have believed since the Covid "Pandemic" began that they were going to try to wipe out the Whites and these last 4 years have convinced me of it.

Imagine being a second class citizen in your own fucking country and that policy being pushed by your own government and enforced by your own militart and police force?


So when it all crashes...Don't act surprised your kids are hungry, you have no relaible electricity, water, gas, fuel etc...Your opportunities are lost and you live in squlaor while paying for ILLEGALS to come live in your country and nicer places than the taxpayer, eating better with no work or legal standing.


Whites have been beat down to accept being treated as garbage and until you wake up or until it all crashes and you die off it won't change.

There is probably a solid 5% of people who openly say what I say and the rest think if they keep ignoring it or Trump gets in it'll stop it.

No...It's too late.

So prep accordingly or don't but remember what I've been saying online for 25+ years.

That's all it took Evil to destroy the most powerful, well ran civilization in recorded history.

About 25 years.

From amazing, to eating cricket meat with your roach milk to go with your fake bread made from GMO grain and highly medicated fake cheese...That you feed to your autistic or sickly child who has ADHD and sorts of medical issues and can't read or write at a Proficient Level, but still graduates.

To walking outside and seeing men defecating on your streets, people shooting up needles in parks in the open and cops just walking by...To being told they can't arrest someone who steals under $900 or even assaults you.

From men with beards pretending to be women and having periods to watching the government tell you that your 4 year old can decide her medical procedures and you HAVE to give them blockers (THAT WILL KILL THEM) and surguries or the state can TAKE your child etc.

By looking away, by not doing anything like a coward YOU allowed it to happen.

So I say FUCK IT...Let it crash and we'll pick up the world with what's left.

Although not gonna lie...There's going to be a clean up and it's going to be bloody.

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