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    Checks Out
    Oh si.
    By Noodles123 2024-06-11 15:41:48 0 155
    Noodles! >=(
    Are you in the middle of the Yucatan Jungle on a lawn chair, reading a book, drinking fresh pineapple juice, watching a Catapillar mine stone for your fence?  Maybe. Are you sunburnt? No. Maybe a little. Okay my torso feels like I put Sriracha on it after giving it a good scrub. But it doesn't hurt! (He screamed as tears rolled down his face and he sobbed) Okay maybe it does hurt a lil. But I ain't here for telling. 
    By Noodles123 2024-01-15 19:31:40 0 450
    Yesterday Was AWESOME!
    Got up early and went with my girlie to a couple of school meeting and to watch her teach (3) classes at (2) different universities. It was nice since I LOVE going to schools...Seriously...I have over 312 Semester units and attended 7 different schools after I graduated. I would happily go to universities and small colleges till the day I died, just learning things along the way. Between the two universities was a down period of about 4 hours, so we went to an Irish bar where I had a sweet...
    By Noodles123 2023-10-25 22:02:30 2 626
    When Racism Is Too Much for Breitbart
    Just saw an article on some giant nig nog attacking females because dude keeps on pretending to be a female to shower with them and show them his penis. So I was about to write what it is and apparently it was too much for Breitbart. Maybe if I had spelled it "Tiggers being Tiggers?" But alas they banned me =( We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by Breitbart News Network. Find out more.
    By Noodles123 2023-04-29 01:47:05 1 895
    Could B3 Worse
    So my ✈️ to Sacramento had been changed 3 times in the last 2 months. Get to the 🛫 and they moved it from 11am to 2pm then to 6pm. So missed all my connections 😪.  But in fucking Mexico City for a night, with hotel and meals paid. 🌮 🌮 🌮s here I come. Literally if they're really good. What??? I'm just saying I like 🌮s. What a grown ass man can't enjoy tacos so much he cums? Stop kink shaming me! 😠  I don't say anything about you alls Midget Fetish!!! What?  That's my fetish? Oh...
    By Noodles123 2023-03-30 03:23:04 1 888
    Aldous Huxley Vs. George Orwell
    Just read an amazing article that blew me away...It broke down how both authors saw totalitarianism under two different ways but with the same result. Here's a video with the same points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJEk7tSPgjI The basic point is George saw a dark future with through the use of censorship, arrest, pain and erasing of history and facts the evil ones would rule and control the masses. Huxley saw a future where through drugs, electronic gizmos and a deluge of information...
    By Noodles123 2023-01-24 11:05:08 8 1546
    My New Coffee Delight
    It takes your coffee LEVELS above others. It's called Rompope and we make it in Mexico, but it got here from Nuns from the Nordic Countries. It's like if sweet brandy and eggnog had a baby. Delicious!
    By Noodles123 2022-12-25 22:49:23 0 1027
    Oh! Damn!
    So back in the 90's there were a few Goth Clubs left in San Diego...The main two were a Lesbian Bar called "The Flame" Beautiful bartendresses, Go-Go Dancers, no fights, strong drinks, good music etc. It closed years ago and sadly no one bought it and reopened it...Damn shame. The second one was Sabbath and they went all hardcore, it as like being in that show "What we do in the dark." Girls dressed in black with Bettie Paige Bangs: S&M shows, Suspension Rope Shows, the Jim Rose Freak...
    By Noodles123 2022-08-05 07:17:29 0 1790
    Holy Foooook
    Grading some Final Papers and these fucking brainwashed college kids are going to be perfect Nazis in the future: On a paper on "Combatting Anti-Semitism and Mending J-X Relations in America" this broad is ready to shut down freedom of speech in a blink of an eye. She's quite happy with the following 8 Liberal Senate pushes...Some which leads to some straight V for Vedetta bullshit:  [1]The President, Cabinet officials, and Members of Congress must call out anti-Semitism and bigotry at...
    By Noodles123 2022-05-18 09:58:53 7 2409
    By Noodles123 2022-03-26 09:44:24 5 1844
    Internet Rot
    People slowly, but surely are starting to realize that the internet is dying. There is less information out now than say 3-4 years ago. Systems/apps/programs have got slower, more computer errors are happening and all sorts of information is disappearing FOREVER. Am I being all dramatic? No...Many books and manuals were downloaded and the originals destroyed or disposed. For many now we have neither. Information which should be instantaneous isn't, BASIC INFORMATION. It's almost like...
    By Noodles123 2022-02-28 05:50:03 0 2270
    Have No Idea What's Going On
    But suddenly there's all these terrible baby killing news stories. Was just doing some reading on the Ukrain/Russian War and keep on seeing this bullshit. Starving, beating, sexually abusing stories...I cannot remember ever seeing so many in such a short period. I often just skip over them because they just make me so angry or so sad. It covers all races although lately it's been a lot of abuse/starvation/living in filth white people ones in the midwest...I think it's all drug related. They...
    By Noodles123 2022-02-26 05:51:24 1 2412
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How to Get Away With Anything
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By Noodles123 2022-10-23 19:30:36 2 1396
Taking Off in 6 Days
Back to Tijuana for some paperwork bullshit. Buuuuuuuut I'm going to eat Chinese* like 5 times a...
By Noodles123 2022-12-30 05:46:35 0 1537
Keep Your Eye On The Ball! >=(
Even if WWIII seems a small possibility, it could very much change things with a few well planted...
By Noodles123 2024-04-13 23:21:01 0 276
I Bring This Up Due
To the influx of weird spambot-like accounts lately. Years ago there was a Writing Cult on...
By Noodles123 2023-08-28 17:56:37 2 852
Back in Cali for a Few Weeks
Flight and everything worked out so well even if it started rough. So today we're going to a...
By Noodles123 2023-10-14 20:18:58 2 675