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  • Nothing is Real...It's all a Psych Ops
    The more you look at any of our foundations of society:  Law and Order, Medicine, Education, Media, Social Media, News Media, Sports, Religion, Military etc etc etc you discover NOTHING is how it was told to you. I mean if it was just some lies I understand, but everything is made in a way to TRICK you into believing something that is a lie to affect your perception of reality. I'm not a...
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  • 1 Dementia Patient Down...Now 1 Fake Black Woman To Go
    If you want to know how stupid, sleazy she is just look up her past. I sometimes have no idea how she even got to her position because she honestly is incredibly stupid and I don't even mean it as an insult...I mean there's MULTIPLE MULTIPLE MULTIPLE videos of her giving the CRINGIEST speeches and thoughts on things that make you doubt your sanity. Sometimes I'd be: "This CANNOT be real!" ...
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  • We Still Pretending...?
    There isn't a Soft Coup right now to get rid of Biden and slide in a new puppet for the Elites? That signature on the resignation letter wasn't Biden's. That "Message" to Kamala during the rally was PREFVIOUSLY RECORDED and most likely A.I...Suddenly the motherfucker speaks clearly and doesn't stutter, pause or make any mistakes during his statement? That guy that ran up the stairs today wasn't...
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  • Tonka Truck Noodles
    Almost done with my wall and gate. Having a metal gate made: 9' X 15' wide to enclose it. Last part of the wall is being completed this week, had to let it stay like that to allow the material trucks accesss. I had a THIRD of an acre enclosed in a 16" thick STONE wall that is 9' high. I had a 1900 ft warehouse contructed with a full bathroom. Now it's time for the hard part...The house. I...
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  • The Most Terrifying Place on Earth!!!
    A. P.  Diddy's bedroom? B.  Asking for a role for a movie at Harvy Weinstein's hotel room? C.  Accepting a drink from Bill Cosby? D.  Asking for a role in a movie from me, while having drinks with me, Bill Cosby, Weinstein and P. Diddly at my hotel room? NO! My backyard! I took my chubby dogs out to pee and I saw the ground TEEMING with what I thought was ants, till I looked...
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  • So In March
    Like someone else posted, there's this video of a preacher who had a vision who saw Trump being shot in the right ear, rising in power and winning the election. WONDERFUL right? Nope...He also saw that the economic slippery slope that had been set in motion since biden came in causing what I assume will be known as "The CRASH." It could be a Grid Issue, the dollar finally collapsing, people...
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  • Sooooooooooooooo
    My guys were digging my septic tank and had to drill through a HUGE flat rock that's 70'x 70' annnnnnnnnnnnd while digging we found that 2 meters down after digging into it for 8 days with a jackhammer thaaaaaaaaaaat? I'm partly on top of an underground cave...A Cenote they call them. I checked and I'm in no danger of the stone breaking or it becoming a sink hole, but that's some weird shit....
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  • Hmmmmmmmm.
    Coming Soon to a Country Near You: Australia Approves Mandatory mRNA Vaccines for ALL Agriculture   https://www.mla.com.au/news-and-events/industry-news/mla-funds-mrna-technology-project-to-rapidly-produce-emergency-animal-disease-vaccines/ They are going to put it in your food, water, air, meds etc...It's being tested right now in the US. They are trying to and succeedingly trying to cull...
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  • Real Question: What percentage of American White males 18-35 would you say are so submissive, weak, soft, feminine that they might as well buy multiple Fedoras, sign up for a membership at LonelyMales.com and think that sex with a pre-op tranny isn't really gay since the dude with the beard and pastel dress "Thinks" he's a "Beautiful Lady?"
    Real Question: What percentage of American White males 18-35 would you say are so submissive, weak, soft, feminine that they might as well buy multiple Fedoras, sign up for a membership at LonelyMales.com and think that sex with a pre-op tranny isn't really gay since the dude with the beard and pastel dress "Thinks" he's a "Beautiful Lady?"
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  • Haha
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