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    My guys were digging my septic tank and had to drill through a HUGE flat rock that's 70'x 70' annnnnnnnnnnnd while digging we found that 2 meters down after digging into it for 8 days with a jackhammer thaaaaaaaaaaat? I'm partly on top of an underground cave...A Cenote they call them. I checked and I'm in no danger of the stone breaking or it becoming a sink hole, but that's some weird shit. Not saying mine is THIS large or would even look like it...But I've been to this one and it's...
    By Noodles123 2024-07-16 23:42:22 2 855
    Coming Soon to a Country Near You: Australia Approves Mandatory mRNA Vaccines for ALL Agriculture   https://www.mla.com.au/news-and-events/industry-news/mla-funds-mrna-technology-project-to-rapidly-produce-emergency-animal-disease-vaccines/ They are going to put it in your food, water, air, meds etc...It's being tested right now in the US. They are trying to and succeedingly trying to cull you. Prep accordingly.
    By Noodles123 2024-07-16 23:31:20 0 851
    I Like It
    By Noodles123 2024-07-05 16:00:19 0 914
    The Retard Revolution
    (Amazing quote from George Orwell who most don't know was a newspaperman at the front during multiple civil wars and WWII...He was also a detective in Burma and his father a state sponsered opium dealer...AMAZING man) Heard that term to describe today's news and society and can't really say I disagree. Stay with me on this: We are at the Apex of Human History where ANYTHING you've ever wanted to study or know about is at your fingertips. You want to make your own Sourdough bread, learn about...
    By Noodles123 2024-06-14 00:56:17 0 817
    What If?
    So listening to some weirdo podcast where the dude is trying to say many of these amazing buildings that we were told that were built by someone, in a certain year, in a certain amount of time seem very suspicious. Names are repeated for architects who never oversaw the projects or even drew the plans. At first, I was all: "Dis sum bullshit this guy sounds crazier than Noodles!" But as he showed the info and pages from multiple sources, inluding the societies that ran many of these buildings...
    By Noodles123 2024-06-03 14:48:50 0 836
    Now What?
    JUST went to the market for avocados...On my way I saw a small eyeglass place. Walked in to see what they had, since I need a new prescription soon...Asked the clerk where they kept the Men's Selection. He then told me his company is now only pushing "UNI-SEX" glasses...Okay. Might not be too bad...I ask where they were...He then shows me. Now for it to be UNISEX it should be neither masculine NOR feminine INSTEAD most of the glasses I saw is what Elton John would wear while being ass fucked...
    By Noodles123 2024-05-30 20:07:27 3 843
    After The Collapse
    Some of these fucks will be tossed off roofs and it's going to be beautiful. “Pro-Pedophile” Activist Group Celebrates As Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn Possession Wild guess who the TWO main funders for all these kid fuckers are? gays and jews. "In a 2014 interview with Taz Online, Gieseking called for lowering the age of consent to 12 years of age, and said that adult sexual interactions with toddlers would have to be “discussed separately.” It's coming and...
    By Noodles123 2024-05-21 16:36:51 0 848
    Wake Up White People
    First they called me a liar, an exaggerater, a bigot/Nazi/racist etc etc. But slowly more and more people are starting to see that I'm not wrong as niggers NATIONWIDE look for ways to excuse their bullshit by doing shit like this: COOK COUNTY — Under a new policy draft, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office (CCSAO) would not prosecute gun, drug or stolen property cases if they’re the result of what’s considered a non-public safety stop, aka a traffic stop for...
    By Noodles123 2024-05-18 23:28:49 2 858
    Keep Your Eye On The Ball! >=(
    Even if WWIII seems a small possibility, it could very much change things with a few well planted Terrorist Attacks being biden allowed WHO THE FUCK KNOWS HOW MANY FUCKING TERRORISTS. But to be honest, even if they attacked the number of dead would not match the actions that would follow...It just be an excuse to fuck up Iran, use up all our ammo stocks so that we HAVE TO rebuy from the Industrial Military Complex using credit given to us by some mason jews who run the world through banking...
    By Noodles123 2024-04-13 23:21:01 0 858
    Gen Z is more likely to call in sick to work than Gen Xers 20 years their senior thanks to a mental health crisis ‘turbocharged’ by young women https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/gen-z-is-more-likely-to-call-in-sick-to-work-than-gen-xers-20-years-their-senior-thanks-to-a-mental-health-crisis-turbocharged-by-young-women/ar-BB1iUfsi?ocid=msedgntp&pc=NMTS&cvid=442c0812679349e2ba64f7011985748c&ei=31   Noooooooo. That can't be. Errrrm. Yeah...So there.   But...
    By Noodles123 2024-03-24 05:43:08 0 812
    A few days ago I was taking out the trash, walked through my kitchen, living room down to my entrance room. As I stepped in, a voice told me to "Take my keys" but not in words...I just felt it. I automatically thought like some idiot teenager: "Why would I take them?  My trash can is like 12 feet from the door and it isn't even windy?" Stepped out, door wide open, took 3-4 steps, lifted the lid, put the trash in and as I turned a BIG gust of wind blew out of nowhere and SLAMMED the door...
    By Noodles123 2024-02-07 19:15:36 5 805
    They are Straight Lying To Your Face...Wake up!
    A pretty teen was kidnapped and raped by some Piece of shit illegal...News reported it as he "Unalived her." This kid, Mathew Sachman, got STABBED IN THE NECK IN A NY SUBWAY...HE died a few hours later. Every single US Major media is reporting it as "An accident." Refusing to go into detail. He got stabbed by some nigger or Illegal and they are REFUSING to print the name or pic of the perp BECAUSE OF THE CRIMINAL'S RIGHTS TO FAIRNESS. I don't care if you're White, Brown, Black, Yellow, Purple...
    By Noodles123 2024-01-26 16:55:43 0 906
    As stated before out of 900-950 officers at where I worked at before, I was only one of about 16 who refused the Covid Vaccine...Including one of the 12 of us who retired or quit rather than taking. Today I sent a text to one of the 4 or so who stayed unvaxxed and are still working to tell her I was proud of her. She was happy too. Reason she popped in my head was I was watching this: https://www.brighteon.com/a14dc05d-542b-4321-9480-d3639de177a9 KARMA - THE DEMISE OF VACCINE ZEALOTS...
    By Noodles123 2024-01-24 17:17:03 0 788
    Will This Wake You Up FINALLY?
    Since they can mandate all kinds of things, make you drink sewer water, eat cricket flour, not have cash, they can tell you that you can't use gas powered tools and autos etc and you allowed it. You allowed them to dress your sons in dresses and tell your daughters that they should cut off their breasts, you allow pedophiles in drag to be near your children and teach them about anal sex in 4th grade etc. But most of you WON'T DO ANYTHING. So maybe this MIGHT do it: Now they're coming for your...
    By Noodles123 2024-01-22 21:24:40 2 798
    We Have the Life We Allow
    So had written a blog on basically "Don't put up with shit or shut up." Too many people like to complain, but don't do anything solid to CHANGE things...Good or bad sometimes change is needed. So trying to stay close to my word, I sat and thought about a couple of small things that were recently bugging me that I had ALLOWED to fester. Stupid stuff TBH. 1.  I had given a neighbor some salsa in this cool metal bowl with a lid, he then took it to his mom to share...8 MONTHS AGO...I would...
    By Noodles123 2024-01-20 15:30:30 0 957
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FRIDAY the 13th
New improvised versions of previously released songs will be re- released over the next couple of...
By tombstyne1875 2022-05-08 01:46:32 0 1K
Real Talk
As things get progressively worse. Inflation, crime, anarchy, violence, hunger,...
By Noodles123 2022-05-31 07:56:22 0 703
Not a 49er Fan But
I have a feeling this white boy going to go off on Philly...In Philly. 120 yard running, 63 yards...
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Almost Ready
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Maybe They Weren't Wrong
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By Noodles123 2022-01-06 02:32:14 2 713