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Hi. I'm Kelly. I wager you wouldn't like me very much.

- Taken
- Strictly monogamous
- Mother
- Leftist
- Pro choice
- Pro BLM
- Pro antifa
- Pro LGBTQ+
- Pro vaxx
- Pro union
- Pro marijuana - medical and recreational
- Pro police reform
- Freedom of religion should only go so far. Your religion is not immune to criticism and you should not have full protection when you cause others harm in the name of your so-called gods.

My grandfathers went to war to kill fascists, not listen to their talking points.
  • 330 Posts
  • 140 Photos
  • In a relationship
  • 08/06/1905
  • Followed by 130 people
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  • I got my hair cut by a professional and I regret it. It's absolutely not what I wanted. It's too short in the back and too long on the sides. It looks like 1920s flapper girl bair, not the rounded curly cut I wanted. Ffs. I've never been depressed over my hair before.
    I got my hair cut by a professional and I regret it. It's absolutely not what I wanted. It's too short in the back and too long on the sides. It looks like 1920s flapper girl bair, not the rounded curly cut I wanted. Ffs. I've never been depressed over my hair before.
    6 Comments 0 Shares
  • Seizure #3. Her temperature is 103 and they're trying to break it. I'm worried she'll have another one soon if they don't.
    Seizure #3. Her temperature is 103 and they're trying to break it. I'm worried she'll have another one soon if they don't.
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  • Settlement for my worker's comp case went through. Got invited to a friend's house afterwards, celebrated, felt loved. Got too drunk and ended up crying over past abuse and the friend who committed suicide. Woops.
    Settlement for my worker's comp case went through. Got invited to a friend's house afterwards, celebrated, felt loved. Got too drunk and ended up crying over past abuse and the friend who committed suicide. Woops. 🙃
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  • I think mother's day could have been better if we had the option to be by ourselves this years. I was too tired to put up with anyone outside my household, my back pain has been destroying me and being forced to socialize and go do a lot of walking just made it not great.

    "But what about the other mothers you were with that day?"

    I know, I know, I'm a selfish piece of shit and I must cater to everyone else at all times. Fuck me for wanting a mother's day to myself. Won't happen again.
    I think mother's day could have been better if we had the option to be by ourselves this years. I was too tired to put up with anyone outside my household, my back pain has been destroying me and being forced to socialize and go do a lot of walking just made it not great. "But what about the other mothers you were with that day?" I know, I know, I'm a selfish piece of shit and I must cater to everyone else at all times. Fuck me for wanting a mother's day to myself. Won't happen again.
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  • Sister of Mercy are coming back to the states! Hope I can fucking hear Andrew this time around.
    Sister of Mercy are coming back to the states! Hope I can fucking hear Andrew this time around. 😬
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  • Jfc people. If you add someone to a group and they leave because they didn't want to be part of the group to fucking begin with, that's not an open invitation to add them again. That is, however, an open invitation for me to block your ass.
    Jfc people. If you add someone to a group and they leave because they didn't want to be part of the group to fucking begin with, that's not an open invitation to add them again. That is, however, an open invitation for me to block your ass.
    4 Comments 0 Shares
  • It's the Lord's day. Natrually I'm out at the venue looking like a ho.
    It's the Lord's day. Natrually I'm out at the venue looking like a ho.
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  • The independent/Montessori school I was considering for my daughter turned out to be a cult with some seriously alarming sexual allegations as well as indoctrination to some religious shit that I never want her to have to deal with. So I guess that settles it. She's being homeschooled.
    The independent/Montessori school I was considering for my daughter turned out to be a cult with some seriously alarming sexual allegations as well as indoctrination to some religious shit that I never want her to have to deal with. So I guess that settles it. She's being homeschooled.
    7 Comments 0 Shares
  • I made coffee at 10 am, went to do dishes while it was brewing and finally remembered I made coffee at... 4pm. God damn it.
    I made coffee at 10 am, went to do dishes while it was brewing and finally remembered I made coffee at... 4pm. God damn it.
    4 Comments 0 Shares
  • Post comments online about abusing your children then get upset becasue CPS is at your door and you dont actually have kids. You were "just trolling." But now you're on their radar and it will haunt you the day you end up having kids. Good luck with that, fucko.
    Post comments online about abusing your children then get upset becasue CPS is at your door and you dont actually have kids. You were "just trolling." But now you're on their radar and it will haunt you the day you end up having kids. Good luck with that, fucko.
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