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    Hurricane Update
    This is my THIRD hurricane in this region and this one is weaker than the other 2. The last one I sat at beach bar and had margaritas with my fat dog when it hit Cuba off the coast. Almost like they wanted to keep us all afraid, but as always at the last minute nothing happened. Not saying the hurricane didn't batter other countries like Jamaica or Belize etc...But have you ever really looked at how they construct shit there? Watered down cement, no rebarb reinforcement, no cal, no...
    By Noodles123 2024-07-05 18:55:36 0 126
    Best FIRST Season Ever!
    Do not watch the second season though...It was almost like all the writers left and they got me to write their plot and I was high on Gummies, drunk on Mescal and thinking of that White Boy at Old Miss making sounds at that black chick and couldn't stop laughing. Yes it's that bad. #WeWuzKangs
    By Noodles123 2024-05-05 15:48:28 0 196
    Noodles has been going hard in the paint. Been doing shit I never thought I'd be doing. Been places that seem almost surreal. Ever been in a bar where it's full of Mayans speaking their language and sre like 5'3"? Ever mine in the middle of the jungle? Then the next day sit at some French Wine Bar drinking a bottle of Cabernet? Followed by then eating some Mayan food? Life is so fucking weird. WEIRD IS THE NEW NORMAL. I highly suggest you all learn to adapt quickly to whatever comes your way...
    By Noodles123 2024-01-16 21:47:41 0 424
    Noodles! You Spoil That Dog!
    "Whatever!  I treat this dog like if it was a wild animal!"-Yelled Noodles while making sure to only add (3) IceCubes to Lola's water bowl, because (4) was too cold. I bullshit you not, last night I couldn't find my right spot so I kept tossing and turning. Then I felt eyes on me and I looked in the corner, where her blanket and toys are for her to sleep on and she was giving me the Grover Washington Jr. look. Telepathically telling me "Simmer the fuck down and go to sleep!  Ya...
    By Noodles123 2023-06-25 04:39:44 1 871
    If I Was Allowed Back On Twitter/FB/IG etc
    I would make a profile about my penis and small blogs about what it was thinking about Political News in the world. I would call it: Hard Times For a Soft World If you think I'm kidding then you don't know me...Then I would use this as my Profile Pic:  
    By Noodles123 2023-04-13 15:14:52 3 930
    Sweet Jesus
    At the airport...I fucking hate mornings.  Sitting here waiting for an AeroMexico rep to change something when I see a young white couple. Maybe 25...Both aren't fat or shot out, but just looking at them you can tell...They're 95 years old already. Both walk in a hunched, defeated way. Him following her and the way you walk shows your personality or how you're doing emotionally.  They walked like they were old and her sclerosis was acting up and he had back to back prostrate exams....
    By Noodles123 2023-03-30 11:03:36 0 927
    My POV on Vaxxers
    : /
    By Noodles123 2023-03-25 07:58:13 0 1025
    Sad buuuuuut 100% Correct
    By Noodles123 2023-03-22 17:56:50 0 956
    If He Signs It...
    Then fuck desantis and caruso. What am I talking about? Bill HB269 (Antisemitism Hate Crime Bill)...Where you can say shit about Hispanics, Whites, Asians EVEN blacks. But God forbid you say anything about the jews...Cus that be 5 years state time. So a bunch of skins passed out some literature that you can read or not read...At you discretion. Then put them in plastic good bags and passed them out in neighborhoods. jews freaked out...Because you're not supposed to ever ever ever mention...
    By Noodles123 2023-03-16 06:43:48 1 1036
    Just picked up a Second Citizenship on Monday =) I'm a Dual-Citizen...Not to be confused with Bi-Citizen...Cus that's something else! Reminded me of this Classic by Walker Jr.
    By Noodles123 2023-01-12 22:24:47 5 1115
    Soooooooooooo Anyone Else Notice That...
    Every SINGLE time some major player makes an A.I System that LEARNS by going through the internet, researchng data and facts, that it ALWAYS turns racist within 3 days? I mean Google tried it...Apple tried it...Facebook tried it etc etc...These are companies that let loose on the world, fully self sufficent systems with the ability to analyze, come to a conclusion annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd it's always the same thing. Suspicious...Or maybe since their thought process is based on actual facts they...
    By Noodles123 2022-12-09 03:40:51 23 1457
    The Deep State Won 100%
    Nothing really matters afterwards. 2 more years of no coal, drilling, natrual gas, diesel, petro-fertilizer etc. 2 more years of trillions being wasted and billions more to Ukraine. 2 more years of No Cash Bail, Covid Restrictions and Mandates, CRT, Child Hormone blockers and transitioning of children. This is what was allowed for the first 2 years...You think it'll get better? Come and see me when a gallon of diesel is $7-9 bucks...A loaf of bread is $5...A gallon of mlk is $6 or a dozen...
    By Noodles123 2022-11-09 15:14:18 0 1561
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All of a sudden my metabolism has kicked in and i'm losing weight quick. Maybe my eating more red...
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Noodles!!! >=(
Were you singing Madonna's "Erotic?" To put my hands all over your body? While making coffee this...
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Did someone say rabbit stew?
I'm thinking about becoming a vegan.
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So reading some Twitter thread by some RN who got the booster (12/23/21) and is now suffering...
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My Spirit Animal Right Now
I went wild and ate junk food late at night for like 2 weeks. Then when I went to the scale I was...
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