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    brain stew (and a prayer of sorts)
    The stability was nice while it lasted. We were in stasis and did not even realize our good fortune. The disruption to our stability to which I refer is having to move because our landlord hints that he wants to sell the property that we are renting; although he has not outright told us to vacate, he has sent a real estate broker a couple of times to complete appraisals of the property and repair costs. He does not commit to either selling or offering a new lease to sign, and this is creating...
    By Lady_Lazarus 2024-07-24 18:11:38 0 16
    Smell ya later
    To whom it may concern, I wanted to drop a quick post to say my goodbyes to all the amazing people I've connected with here. Rather than reaching out individually, I thought it'd be best to leave a farewell message for everyone. It's been a blast chatting and engaging with all of you. I'm seriously contemplating deleting this account, and if that's not an option, I'll wipe everything clean and probably won't be logging back in anytime soon. Wishing each and every one of you the absolute best...
    By Bigscarymunster 2024-06-26 20:04:45 6 182
    Whispers  like peels  from the other side unfurl ethereal fog. Whispers, deceptive crush of white  noise, obfuscate  and the forks abound in the muffling darkness. Alone to atone, clawing through the madness  of this Sisyphean life and all is all  but fucked. Whispers  fall and lie, an accumulation  of crushed potentials,  and I sigh  and I sigh and I sigh,  forlorn corpse venting trapped gases and regrets.  
    By Lady_Lazarus 2024-06-26 07:46:45 0 117
    As I went outside last night in my garden to let my dog pee...I walked out 2 steps and suddenly felt like 3-4 bites. I mean not even a full second out the door. I was shocked and thought I was having an allergic reaction, so went back in and popped some benadryl and put cream on just in case it was dry skin. Within a minute of being out there, I felt like a pin cushion, but had no welts, bite marks or seen any mosquitos. Today did the same, but with light and I felt a bite, looked down and...
    By Noodles123 2024-06-23 19:13:08 2 149
    Not Cool
    Lil Old Lady died I believe on Friday morning...By Saturday they were there taking care of the house and items. Wake was on Monday, family sat outside fighting over the house...AT THE FUCKING WAKE. Lady was 93, so all her 6-7 children were in their late 60's and early 70's...All appear to be Greedy Pieces of Shit. Too bad the Lady was lovely and will be missed.
    By Noodles123 2024-06-11 17:24:02 0 174
    In The Mouth of Madness
    So was drinking my coffee and I started thinking about when I went down the rabbit hole of UFO's, Ghosts, Illuminati, Big Brother, God/devil, Parrllel Worlds or Dimensions etc. Weather Manipulation, Poisoning our food/water/meds/air and even our frequencies etc etc. Of course it sounds like the Ramblings of that uncle who did too much of the Brown Acid while watching "Faces of Death: Parts 1-5." I am NOT pretending it sounds sane or correct. I mean why would you believe some Semi-Racist,...
    By Noodles123 2024-06-06 15:11:38 0 150
    Awwwww Man =(
    My favorite Documentary director died of cancer...Morgan Spurlock. He was invoved in so many great projects even " The Professional" with Natalie Portman. He was 4 months older than me and unlike the perception that he ate fast food all the time since that was his big hit, he actually was a very healthy eater and a gym rat...Although a heavy drinker. He was involved in the film industry and worked out of NYC so not to say that the Vax caused his death, but if you weren't vaxxed you weren't...
    By Noodles123 2024-05-30 16:21:55 0 109
    Losing Control of my Household >=(
    Got a new puppy to keep my Old Chihuahua company...My Lola has ruled the house like an Iron Queen and it's still happening. I was changing my sheets and was kicking out my pup to do it, because you ever try to make a bed when you have a puppy or kitten in the room?  Tis MADNESS I say! Anyways, said "Baby you have to go out so I can make the bed." She then looked at Lola who basically did the royal dog version of: "You may do what he asks of you." THEN the pupy left. I was like:...
    By Noodles123 2024-05-19 05:13:23 0 197
    My GF just quit an organization of Mellon Scholars, which in my days was high praise. Reason? They were misspending everything, weeklong workshops at resorts with full meals, allowed in a ton of people who didn't qualify, to fill the quota of scholars. I met (8) last semester annnnnnnd (2) are now 5150, (1) entered rehab, (1) disappeared, (1) is autistic and has a "FACILITATOR"; another is being charged with stalking and ONLY ONE OUT OF THE EIGHT did their work. THE DEAN IN CHARGE REFUSES TO...
    By Noodles123 2024-05-18 00:08:03 0 184
    How They Took Over Wikipedia
    https://twitter.com/ArizonaFren2/status/1789414077627842984 Hmmmmmmmm? It's getting closer to that time.   =)
    By Noodles123 2024-05-12 00:16:35 0 240
    Zelenskyys Lotto abroad for people who don't know they have citizenship!
    So Ukraine is running out of men to draft because most they can draft, Have probably already died in this war! And now they are trying to draft men who have citizenship abroad, INCLUDING PEOPLE WHO HAVE LIVED THEIR ENTIRE LIFE ABROAD SINCE BIRTH! Which means some poor guys who didn't know they even had Ukrainian citizenship that live in Poland, Are about to be drafted for a country they didn't know they had citizenship for and don't want to fight for. Its Zelenskyy's Ukrainian Lotto...
    By hydro 2024-05-07 02:25:28 0 159
    Waking up
    ... fresh and restored after a spell of illness. The best feeling ever.
    By Fur1nkazan 2024-04-25 23:33:27 0 141
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