The Most Terrifying Place on Earth!!!
A. P. Diddy's bedroom?
B. Asking for a role for a movie at Harvy Weinstein's hotel room?
C. Accepting a drink from Bill Cosby?
D. Asking for a role in a movie from me, while having drinks with me, Bill Cosby, Weinstein and P. Diddly at my hotel room?
My backyard!
I took my chubby dogs out to pee and I saw the ground TEEMING with what I thought was ants, till I looked hard and saw what appeared to be about a BAGILLION mosquitos and looked at my leg where 4-5 had...
Men's Stuff...No Ladies Allowed to Opine
So stay in the kitchen making me that Turkey Bacon BLT...Cus I eat Kosher that's why!
Don't forget the avocado and jalapeños...So I guess it would really be more of a BLAJT Sammich.
Yeah that!
Anyways, everyone is complaining about White Women because to be honest you guys are the reason why everything is collapsing.
BLM basically funded by jews and middle class white women.
Antifa (Same)
Trans Agenda (Same)
Gay agenda (Same)
Open Borders (Same)
Lowering standards for school,...
So (2) ladies on my block have died recently.
One was in her 60's and very healthy looking, then she disappeared for a month came back and said she had Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer...I knew that was a done deal...That shit takes you quick.
I assume it was the Astroceneca they forced everyone here to get.
Now her kids took over the house and it's become dirty and unkept...It's shameful because the lady was always working on her garden and sweeping etc.
The other lady passed away yesterday...RIP....
Damn You Mexican Sodas! >=(
With your delicious fizzle, tasting crisp in your glass bottle, coming out frosty cold from the cooler on this warm tropical Thursday Night!
Oh it's too damn good!
Incredible Article on Baltimore ODs
Lots of riots, looting, violent negroes and poverty.
Filled with people who KNOWINGLY take shit that killed their brother, sister, mother.
Who sell their EBT Cards, who live at Section 8 homes for decades, who's multiple kids by multiple fathers can't read or write.
Shockingly, I don't feel a lot of empathy.
I feel ODs are...
They're Not Even Trying Anymore
Obviously something like 90% of internet chatter is spambots, A.I.
The other 10%?
A Noodles goofy on gummies shitposting racist/conspiracy theories for fun.
So I know most of those click bait posts are A.I. made...Like:
"30 Funniest Somalian Pirates That Make Great Crepes!"
"10 DC Area Kids Not Smelled by Biden"
"20 Catholic Priests You DIdn't Know Weren't Gay"
But they had 2 and the PIc is OBVIOUSLY A.I.
It's not even believable and what's worst it also means there's an A.I. Editor who...
Thank You Daily Beast
It's how I know I HAVE TO watch that movie.
When they hate it...I know it's gonna be gud.
Like your aunt's ass.
I'm Not Asian But
There seems to be a pattern in there somewhere.
If I could only break the code!
I bet it's that Whites are the BIGGEST criminal class of violent offenders against others.
Especially blacks!
No wonder blacks are so frightened of Whites!
Those Anglo Saxon Savages are destroying the Peaceful, Clean, Sweet, Highly Productive, black Neighborhoods!
SAVAGES with no seasonings!
Where's Jesse? Or Sharpton?
Is Crump available?
Crazy...(Pauuuuuuuuuuse)...But Not Wrong
So been prepping forever, since the early 1990's...No not for Y2K that shit only worried idiots.
But even in great financial times, I looked to get out of the Rat Race and build "SOMETHING" special outside what I consider Modern Society.
I always wanted a nice stone cottage by a river or stream to fish...But obviously things got weird in the US and as a whole it be crazy expensive with the salaries, materials, shipping and permits in the US.
Soooooooo Noodles looked in Central/North America,...
Anyone Use Starlink for Internet?
Since my place is going to be slightly off the trodden path I'm looking at Starlink Internet when the time comes.
That shit is plug it in and point at the sky and BAM!
Reliable fast internet service.
Yes there is cheaper, but in my area it be stupid not to pay a little extra to stay connected and not argue in Spanish on some Customer Service Line with some Mexican Internet Representative named Jesus de Cristo de la Cruz or his female partner Maria Guadalupe de los Altos.
Them in an...
I Wonder Why Iran is Attacking Poor Old Israel?
Oh yeah they bombed their consulate embassy and killed at least 16 Iranians.
But now Israel is the "Victim?"
I Told You YEARS Ago
That Paxolovid, the NEW "mAgIc CoViD cUrE" would end up not only NOT working, but wait till you read about the side effects from people who are now suffering from them.
Not talking about the aches, taste change or stomach issues...The immune issues that caused them to get OTHER diseases due to the treatment.
It makes your immune system weaker at a low low low price of $1300 per treatment of (5) cheaply made pills from Pfizer that cost them $13.38 to produce.
Those Vaxxers who were touting it...
Years Ago
I was once listening to Talk Radio because I'm like 176 years old.
On it were a bunch of fringe militia "End of the world" types.
The retired cop on the show was talking about how weak most of us are physically and mentally and how any major collapse of the Energy, Food, Fuel, Med industry was happening.
That was like 2007-2008.
It's so much worse now...In fact, compared to then we were at the cusp of our slow preplanned collapse.
But what interested me and stuck with me was there push for...
WTF Chuck?
So had some old partner act all weird when he got here to visit me in Yucatan with his wife.
Literally disappeared or called last minute for everything, so I wrote him off.
Got a message yesterday of them excusing themselves for their behavior, but it turned out the Mother In Law was in the hospital so they had to run around to go back to the US ASAP.
But why didn't they just tell us?
Imagine you take time, prep for someone and they shine you off, then afterwards tell you why and...
Had it for 3-4 days now...Went to see a lawyer and while waiting I ate at a resturant, whomever made my food must have been ill cus that shit hit me hard.
Not as bad as other flus, but still lots of sweating, achying and a mental haze.
Not covid, just the flu and hopefully in 2-3 days it'll be gone.
No congestion, sneezing or hacking.
Only thing that sucks is this crazy sore throat.
Stay warm, stay safe, don't eat out unless necessary.
Anyone get that flu too?
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Pets = Our New Children
I never wanted orr had children...Now at my ripe old age I even want them less.
Having one now...
Dumb Ass
Got a call from a female friend.
She used the restroom at a liquor store and left her car keys ON...
Noodles After Watching Bambi Thug
Watch their losing interview afterwards...What a fucking sore loser.
This is just for England.
Doesn't include Wales or Scotland etc.
Nor does it include all the...
Hey Guys
This goes to all the males on this site...All 7 of you.
Yes even the British Guys... Especially...