Nothing is Real...It's all a Psych Ops
The more you look at any of our foundations of society: Law and Order, Medicine, Education, Media, Social Media, News Media, Sports, Religion, Military etc etc etc you discover NOTHING is how it was told to you.
I mean if it was just some lies I understand, but everything is made in a way to TRICK you into believing something that is a lie to affect your perception of reality.
I'm not a child so I don't expect 100% truth, nor 50% but at this point EVERYTHING told to you from any Main...
We Still Pretending...?
There isn't a Soft Coup right now to get rid of Biden and slide in a new puppet for the Elites?
That signature on the resignation letter wasn't Biden's.
That "Message" to Kamala during the rally was PREFVIOUSLY RECORDED and most likely A.I...Suddenly the motherfucker speaks clearly and doesn't stutter, pause or make any mistakes during his statement?
That guy that ran up the stairs today wasn't Biden.
We're living a Movie...Nothing is what you've been told it is and even those who don't know...
Possibly the Most Ingenious Comic EVER
It hits on so many levels!
Look At What SF is Spending 5 Million Dollars a Year on
The City of San Francisco is handing out shots of vodka, bottles of beer and glasses of wine to homeless alcoholics, as part of a $5m a year program.
As part of the city’s “managed alcohol program,” alcoholic drinks are served by nurses to homeless people. Patients are assessed and served the equivalent of 1-2 alcoholic drinks up to four times a day.
During Covid they had "Facilitators" who would put up homeless in 4 star hotels, bring them food alcohol AND ILLEGAL...
Many of the times.
EVERY SINGLE TIME, I often have some sort of weird story, historical fact, news article and when I share it almost always no one had ever even heard of it or was aware of it.
And then I'm like "You dumb fucks! Don't you see that this is going on or that is going on?"
But then I remember a story I read how Google...USING COOKIES changes your algorythm of information.
So if I'm into the Kooky Stuff it goes and gets that info for me...If you...
So The Senate Just Codified
A Federal Law AGAINST hating Israel or even mentioning ANYTHING jews do or have done wrong.
Do it!
We will see jews being hated and kicked out of multiple countries YET AGAIN FOR THE 110th Time!
Think about it...They have been expelled, shunned and kicked out of 109 PRIOR countries or territories and somehow it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.
Ever have that cousin or...
Changing History Through Omission
Was watching some silly show yesterday "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell."
An Adult Swim comedy show about some demon working like some office worker in hell...It started in 2013, back then you could still make fun of pedos, gays, trans, blacks etc.
It was a great time to be alive! =)
So in this one episode they did, which got me thinking of other great shows like "Strip Mall...Strangers with Candy...Upright Citizens Brigade..." which have now all disappeared, episodes been erased or...
Monkey Pox Part Deux
So about 9 months ago there was a major break out of Monkey Pox which did not just affect the gay community at all you bigots!
Out of the first 154 people who contacted it only 153 were men who fucked other men...(REAL NUMBER).
So there...Nothing to see there!
Not all were gays!
At the time, they started trying to get everyone to take that vaccine Noodles said:
"If you are NOT involved in disgusting gay orgies in Europe, with nasty Africans who fuck anything at Gay Festivals you'll be fine."...
Ya Ever Hang Out With "The Opposites?"
People who ALWAYS wants something not on the menu?
Then act all disappointed when it's not there?
We go to a Chinese Place?
"So you don't have burgers?"
It's a fucking Chinese place...No they don't...If you wanted burgers you should have said something while we chose the place.
We go to a fruit juice place.
"So you don't have durian?" (That disgusting fruit that smells like it's rotting)
We are not in Indonesia or whatever mudhut village they get that shit from, how about choose among...
That Could Have Got Awkward
So needed an electrician and called my landlord who sent one...He was giving me the info on the electrician and said goodbye.
I thanked him and went to hit the "Thumbs Up" Emoji, but my thumb touched the "Kissy Face" Emoji.
I noticed a milisecond before I sent it!
I can imagine the scene afterwards unfolding if I had sent it...Like a Love Story for the ages!
LL: "Hey ...... I saw that "Kissy Face" you sent. Errrm what's that about? You coming on to me like I'm queer?"...
Fisting A La 1996
When I was in my 20's I ran an office...I had the Boss's 19 year old daughter as my secretary and one day on my way to lunch out of the blue I yelled at her:
"Karla! Promise me you will NOT look up fisting!"
She was all "What's that?"
Noodles replied: "Doesn't matter what it is...Just do not look it up! Promise me!"
She did and I went to lunch.
Oddly enough still remember it:
5 Chicken Rolled Tacos, a Carne Asada Taco with a Medium Horchata...Cus that's what I ALWAYS...
So been trying to live my life with some more structure and had just reread the Bushido Code...So tried implementing it into my life.
It's not what people say about being a "NICE" person because I'm not...It's about being a DISCIPLINED person.
So it's not about sword skills etc...It's literally give 110% to whatever the task is.
Don't make a good coffee, learn to make a God Damn GREAT Coffee.
Don't just fold your clothes, FOLD THEM LIKE YOU WORKED AT THE GAP...IN JAPAN!
Don't half-ass clean...
I Know Most Don't Believe Me
But they're coming for all of you...They are going to make you into their slaves if you don't wake up.
“Pfizer CEO explains Pfizer’s new tech to Davos crowd: ‘ingestible pills’ - a pill with a tiny chip that send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested.
He also goes to add: ‘Imagine the compliance..."
You will end up jabbed, poisoned by their food, water,...
Little Known Historical Facts
Hitler not only was a talented artist and some say a generous lover, but a patron of the fine arts, as well as an avid reader of thought provoking literature.
So much so that he became a huge fan of the Garfield Comic Strip in the 1920's, where he studied each comic for Hidden Masonic Meanings or messages from Odie, Pookie or Garfield himself.
He once was quoted as saying "Without Garfield in my life I have NOTHING!"
Then he went on to blame the jews for all of Dave's problems.
Adolph served...
Someone Needs a Beat Down
School Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Books Instead Of Bible
I'm not even tripping on not wanting to use the bible, use a Quran or Torah, Constitution, or a book which holds value to you but INAPPROPRIATE books?
While you are sworn in TO BE A MEMBER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD?
For children???
I hope he gets his ass beat...For being a pedophilia pushing weirdo...Why would you libs elect human garbage like this?
Was he wise and an excellent member of the team like Pete "I love Penis"...
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Donde Estan biden Lovers?
Just read an article stating that the average families cost of living has gone up $11,432 since...
I Told You YEARS Ago
That Paxolovid, the NEW "mAgIc CoViD cUrE" would end up not only NOT working, but wait till you...
Going To a Mexican Rodeo
Tonight...My dog's vet has horses and I've been invited to sit with his family at the Charreada...
Fancy Ramen!
As of late been on a Ramen Eating Tear.
But I fry Asian Veggies like bok choy, water chestnuts,...
In Order For the Canadian Truckers to Win:
All they have to do is for them and their families, allies and friends to pull out their money...