Overall it was a great visit...Lots of food, drinks and terrible music.

My Brother in Law loves oldies...I do not since I am not 70 years old,  nor drive a 1964 Impala, nor do I own a Fedora or root for the Raiders...Nor call myself a "Veterano."

My sis got some healthier food, exercise and I really hope she keeps it up...In the end, no one can force you to take care of yourself physically or mentally, you can't beg, bribe, force...As we say "Te tiene que nacer."

We talked about it and she seems determined...I hope she sticks to it because she's the last of my close family and after her...It's just Lil Old Noodles.  =/

But on the plus side, the mild weather here has taken away all my aches.

Which gives me more energy to goof around.  =)

Annnnnnnnnd I've dicovered that my coffee mixed with a splash of Presidente Brandy, milk and molasses is fucking AMAZING!