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I Used To Know a Bunch of Partners Like This


During the Trump years they were Hee-Hawing looking past Trump...Not appreciating the stopping of illegals, use of force on Iran, ISIS, the Taliban and Syria BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY?

Cheap energy from natrual gas, coal, or petro along with low prices, speedy transport, record employment, businesses opening, people making money and having stores with low prices on most food and items.

Then Biden came in and if you look at my predictions in November of 2021 when he got elected, I knew he was going to stop drilling, mining, exploration, fracking etc etc...No matter what the fuck he said or denied...After he had already said it...On video...Multiple times.

It's a Domino Effect.

Raise in cost of energy and fuel = 

Raise in cost in the materials, making, transporting, shipping =

Raise in cost of item =

Less demand of product =

Lay offs, shut downs, primary material centers suffering as there's less, it's more expensive and the places making it are closing.

Once my partners FELT it...The $200 Electricity bill became $450...Gas hit $7-8 dollars/gallon within an hour's drive of me...The pound of ground beef going from $1.75/lb to $4.25.

And now eggs, probably milk soon and who knows what the Ohio River feeds into...We might have lost some excellent growing area for decades.

Now they want to stop whatever is coming, but you can't...Every unreliable, idiotic moron has a major position in this administration.

I say they did it on purpose so you don't expect success...I mean the republicans have had some fucking morons too, but some of these choices by this administration yells Self Inflicted Madness.

Like that fucking piece of shit buttiegeg wouldn't deny Federal Aid to East Palestein would he?

Red Cross wouldn't NOT show up for days would they?

FEMA I believe barely got in.

The National Guard was nowhere for DAYS.

It's all bad man...God bless those people...I hope another town takes them in...I hear Midwest people are good like that.

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