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The Deep State Won 100%


Nothing really matters afterwards.

2 more years of no coal, drilling, natrual gas, diesel, petro-fertilizer etc.

2 more years of trillions being wasted and billions more to Ukraine.

2 more years of No Cash Bail, Covid Restrictions and Mandates, CRT, Child Hormone blockers and transitioning of children.

This is what was allowed for the first 2 years...You think it'll get better?

Come and see me when a gallon of diesel is $7-9 bucks...A loaf of bread is $5...A gallon of mlk is $6 or a dozen eggs is $5 etc etc.

Just wait till last seasons meat runs out...Then the infaltion will be apparant.

We deserve the type of government we allow...The amount of cheating in Michgan, Arizona and Pennsylvania is beyond AMAZING...You have to give them credit...They're not even hiding their cheating...Just straight in your face tactics.

We allowed it...So we're going to reap the rewards of letting them.

I'm far from the US now, but I had hoped that they would turn the corner and return with a MINIMUM to proper energy sources...But it appears that we allowed them to use Dominion Machines again.

Allowed them to steal votes, falsify, and as in the case of one district in New Jersey dump 40,000 votes at 1:34am past the deadline that suddenly changed the election...Pretty sure this happened in multiple districts...Last time it was over 640,000 in Philly alone.

Oh well...Let it crumble to nothing and see you on the other end.

Where everyone is shocked at how bad things have got even though we thought RIGHT now it was bad.

The NWO has won in the US...They have put in their candidates and pushed them over the line by hook or crook and we allowed them.

When the winter arrives and there is no heat or it's too expensive, when the summer hits and there is no A/C or it's too expensive, when your children are hungry, but food is too expensive it won't matter if you're Red or Blue.

It won't even matter if you then agree with what I've been saying for 20+ years...The slide will be too steep...It's actually picking up steam.

There will be a Big Collapse of energy, food, meds and fuel...There wll be unimaginable crime, dropping of standards and society will have to be "Guarded...Observed...Managed" for our own good.

V for Vendetta, 1984, Farenheit 451 will be what the West will look like with Social Credit Scores, Group think, Censorship, Soft-Martial Law in the Blue States.

We're in the last episode of the Collapse of The Roman Empire...This should be interesting.



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