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About 2 Years Ago


I had read that most of the internet traffic was spam bots or A.I.

I remember all the weird conversations I had from 2001-2018 on VF or GM.

Now fast foward to the Present...It's rare to get much conversation except with a few people and the traffic you see is often a pic, no profile and nothing posted about opinions or theories etc.

It's only a smalll amount of people that care to post anything else but some cute pics, an angry rant or a music video.

Conversation has pretty much stopped...No one is dscussing anything but the usual 5 people of whom I assume 3 are the same person with different profiles.

Now with me I understand...I tend to say cruel, blunt and racist shit so there's a few that wn't have anything to do with me because they assume that if they do they'll be called racists or bigots.

I get that and have zero issue with that.

But sometimes on this and other sites, I'll see something great to talk about and I'll see it being flooded with bots to the point it's not even worth commenting.

Just bots, all saying the same thing over and over just using different wording.

Example:  Kid saves his little brother from drowning

Spambot #1:  "He was very brave and courgaeous!"

Spambot #2:  "He was courageous and very brave!"

Spambot#3:  "I wish I was as brave and courgaeous as that kid!"

Spambot #4:  "That kid made me want to be more brave and courageous!"

Spambot#5:  "That kid reminded us of a time when people were brave and courageous!"

It's not even split up, sprinkled through the comments etc.

I see this especially on Youtube...To the point, I've stopped reading them.

Something is happening, where are all the millions of people that were alt?


Hard punks?

Why have they suddenly disappeared till nothing is left, but bad Insane Clown Possee tattoos, beer bellies and bad memories about blowing a dude behind a Jack in the Box for some curly fries and an Ultimate Cheeseburger after a 3 day bender on Valium, Percs and Meth?

Where are they all at?

Where's the tough dude out of Detroit that suddenly after being handicap for X reason decided he was going to transition and i believed started taking hormones?

Where's that British dude that looked like a Witch who would go into weird violent rants?

Or the mass dudes who looked normal but would stalk the girls after they flirted for like 10 minutes?  Then when their messages would get posted throw huge tantrums about all women being "Whores?"

Where's all the bipolar people who would lose their shit and write terrible goth poetry and threaten to cut themselves etc?

Where's the crazy white guy up north who had breasts implants put in and his computer lab looked like a mad scientist's lab and HE WORE A WHITE LAB COAT???  The one that we later found out had killed a guy in real life, but wasn't charged?  The one who kept pretending some girl was stalking him after coming back from the dead?

I miss those motherfuckers.

Basically where's all the real people?

Some got old, moved, got maried, overdosed, died etc...But people gravitate to what they liked as kids, so I always half expect them to come back...But for many, it's like they never existed.



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