Dude wears a IDF shirt which are usually some tough Isreali Fuckers...Some guy comes over gives him grief, punches him and dumps an Ice Coffee on him...Neither him or his friend get in a punch.

They then go whine to the media about it being an Anti-Sematic attack...Which it probably was, but since they never mention the descrition and it happened in Brooklyn I'll blame the ususal suspects.

Either way, STOP wearing tough guys shit when you can't fight.

I don't wear "Tap Out Gear" because I don't MMA fight and because it's gay...Nor do I wear things with dragons, guns, UFC, Bellator, Wrestling or gory t-shirts because that's not me.

I mean I'll kill you, but I won't be wearing a Ted Bundy T-Shirt...I'll probably be wearing one of these:

Plus once the dude challenged you just go for it...It's not going to get any easier...So fuck it go for the guys eyes, ears or throat.

Bite, poke, twist, head butt...There is no second place trophies in fights.