Why you shouldn’t vote for trump!! First things first he’s not for women having rights at all. Here’s the proof https://youtu.be/NfdRmnT0Weo. What happen with actual abortion rights being in play is extremely how he called it and it did happen and it got revoked right to the states causing many issues with women in panic. https://youtu.be/33QdTOyXz3w he’s also against the people wanting to stick us all with cleaning products he did claim it was satire but this didn’t seem like satire especially when he had us all in mind. https://youtu.be/hFOy8-03qdg trump also likes to mock the disabled, I don’t know why this didn’t stop most people for voting for him. Anyone that makes fun of the disabled is vile. He’s also made claims where he can shoot someone and still have votes. This man has a criminal mind set with that being said https://youtu.be/iTACH1eVIaA. Trump is also against the lgbt he’s for tradition marriage https://youtu.be/u0hIiF2Hbfw so why would any lgbt member vote for him?! Just a few videos you can watch. It’s all from the camels mouth as well.