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im just this washed up rockstar without their guitars and such.. just tryna find the love of my life instead of it being a cigarette or two. life always gets me down and such. i really dont got much to offer this world. its like i was one giant mistake or something. i write to much to save my own good and such. im too truthful with the world and shit. i hate peoples bullshit drama but drama tends to be fucking life cause everyone thrives off of hearing the ugly shit but i fucking hate it. i hate it so badly. i do what i want when the fuck i want it. no one stops me from being a slave to what i love doing. no i will never try to sell your shit at a retail place cause i just want my own shop doing whatever i want. life fucking sucks when youre a total outcast pos in everyones fucking eyes or whatever. i feel as if everyone is just slaving away to money and not enjoying the real aspects of fucking life together and shit. we are all just looking for a man that floats the fuck on water. i hate drugs. i dont drink. i dont drive cause getting hit by a fucking car is fucking bullshit that bitch went atleast 67 miles for hour or something. its like im the walking dead cause all my suicide attempts have fucking failed and shit. id be that one fuck bag that would survive bleach cause im like cursed or something but thats the last option. i really hate how this life was fucking planned the fuck out. im crazy as fucking hell and usually do the dare when someone tells me to kill myself. my first girlfriend i ever really was in love with dared me to kill myself so i took 37 sleeping pills.. ive had tons of people dare me to kill myself and such. idk why each attempt had to fucking fail. ive drank so much fucking whiskey one sitting that some crazy way i blew fucking sober and shit. like i drank a whole fucking handle like a big ass bottle not the normal bottle but the bigger fucking bottle the bottle you get for fucking parties like the 60 dollar bottle might be 40 or 45 in you state. its 60 here i believe i drank a whole one within 3 hours and such.. and yeah ahah i blew fucking sober.. how the fuck does that even fucking happen? the officer told me he would of found me as drunk but to pass those types of things you just keep fucking blowing and blowing and blowing til you cannot blow too long and you usually gotta blow for a minute 30 to pass it. boose takes your breathe away so its really hard to be as drunk as i was to pass that shit. but im pretty sure i could of passed the test all besides the abc bullshit cause i cant even do that fucking sober haha not at all not once. but yeah if i were you and you didnt want to go to jail for attempted assisted murder or murder i wouldnt dare ever tell me to kill myself at all. cause youll never know how the fuck im feeling that one day.. and i might just end up fucking doing the real big deal and youll be in prison for life cause i do screen shot and share the fuck outta those fucking things and i have letters written on facebook to the people that have told me to kill myself and i keep them all in check as if they were the ones that are willing to do so and such and see me dead. and its not hard to find you profile with links and such to the fucking bullshit.. they can even find your shit when youve deleted you profile and whatever. but thats fucking life. i have a really creepy and dark sense of depression and shit.. i kinda just wanna lay in my dead grandmas coffin and such cause i miss her so fucking much..fuck it all. life fucking sucks really badly.. i wish i could have the money to obtain a gander at her body and such.. even if i couldnt lay in her coffin and such i just would at least like to witness shes dead and gone and see her body laying in her coffin and such. i miss her more than life is worth living. i have many exes and such.. ive talked to 1000's of people no i havent had sex with every woman i meet and such.. i just talk to fucking much for my own fucking good... i might write more at this one day so you can really know me but this is just what i feel for my own fucking good.

Gees whatever I wrote I wanna be nice to myself
  • 119 Posts
  • 22 Photos
  • Lives in Conowingo
  • From brick
  • Single
  • 11/16/1989
  • Followed by 81 people
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  • jesus christ
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  • so this is the site? why did i have to search for it so badly?! wtf
    so this is the site? why did i have to search for it so badly?! wtf
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  • dad when are you going to bed lol im in the years they woke me up for school for the rest of my life
    dad when are you going to bed lol im in the years they woke me up for school for the rest of my life
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  • if i cant get youtube to work... on my laptop i am fucked really... like really fucking fucked
    if i cant get youtube to work... on my laptop i am fucked really... like really fucking fucked
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  • i cant use my phone anymore to get onto youtube im never told to shut the fuck up really but someone tell them im just chilling with everyone at goth wire for awhile and i cant get on my shit cause i leaned it on glass thinking of the past plus my phone blows up every second of the day in my life day and fucking night...so it fucking sucks...
    i cant use my phone anymore to get onto youtube im never told to shut the fuck up really but someone tell them im just chilling with everyone at goth wire for awhile and i cant get on my shit cause i leaned it on glass thinking of the past plus my phone blows up every second of the day in my life day and fucking night...so it fucking sucks...
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  • oh my god i cant have a child with anyone... i cant bring a child into this world because it will be called beautiful and if i do that so many men would be after her.. it would be a nightmare i already have nightmares about it... it would be a fucking curse she would get sold off once ripped out side of me and sold into sex traFFICKING so fucking quickly and its not even fucking funny.... i cant do that the world isnt even a save place for me to live cause everyone thinks that im a deer.. and thats why i fear as if if i have a child in this world im gonna die so fucking bad im gonna really fucking die... please dont shoot me im single and im not gonna have a baby because everyone is freaking the fuck out why i think im gonna die so bad if you shoot its a curse.... a very wicked cure and youll die right fucking next taking me home
    oh my god i cant have a child with anyone... i cant bring a child into this world because it will be called beautiful and if i do that so many men would be after her.. it would be a nightmare i already have nightmares about it... it would be a fucking curse she would get sold off once ripped out side of me and sold into sex traFFICKING so fucking quickly and its not even fucking funny.... i cant do that the world isnt even a save place for me to live cause everyone thinks that im a deer.. and thats why i fear as if if i have a child in this world im gonna die so fucking bad im gonna really fucking die... please dont shoot me im single and im not gonna have a baby because everyone is freaking the fuck out why i think im gonna die so bad if you shoot its a curse.... a very wicked cure and youll die right fucking next taking me home
    3 Comments 0 Shares
  • idk why we cant have phones in a mental hopsital... like im not tryning to not to talk to all my loved ones and how dare you try to take that away from me and make me socalize with people i dont fucking know or fucking care to get to fucking know like i dont wanna be in there with them like quit being fucking weird you fucking pieces of shit... i dont trust you and i dont wanna talk to you at all.. like leave me the fuck alone.. they wont ever be my fucking friends.. i have one room mate thats only chilled with me once... anyways.. i dont care to know these people i have to be with in the damn thing and im not gonna socialze with fucking people in there cause ive tried and theyre just weird and all the friendships have failed.. dont wanna be around no one idk cant expect me to like these people ever... esp when they all sit there and tell me being a lesbian is fucking wrong and shit.. like if i have to socialze gimme my fucking drugs and let me join a fucking art union where were giving supplies and shit to to fucking make art other than that im stuck making my fucking art at home and shit with the little bit of fucking money i fucking have. fuck walmart fuck target fuck all that fuck the malls...i mean if you wanna offer me a space somewhere in a store where people can look and browes my stuff thats fucking one thing that they cant buy it but even when i did that i never got anyfucking money for it so fuck everything really.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont like people that take shits on peoples shit.. so fuck it all..
    idk why we cant have phones in a mental hopsital... like im not tryning to not to talk to all my loved ones and how dare you try to take that away from me and make me socalize with people i dont fucking know or fucking care to get to fucking know like i dont wanna be in there with them like quit being fucking weird you fucking pieces of shit... i dont trust you and i dont wanna talk to you at all.. like leave me the fuck alone.. they wont ever be my fucking friends.. i have one room mate thats only chilled with me once... anyways.. i dont care to know these people i have to be with in the damn thing and im not gonna socialze with fucking people in there cause ive tried and theyre just weird and all the friendships have failed.. dont wanna be around no one idk cant expect me to like these people ever... esp when they all sit there and tell me being a lesbian is fucking wrong and shit.. like if i have to socialze gimme my fucking drugs and let me join a fucking art union where were giving supplies and shit to to fucking make art other than that im stuck making my fucking art at home and shit with the little bit of fucking money i fucking have. fuck walmart fuck target fuck all that fuck the malls...i mean if you wanna offer me a space somewhere in a store where people can look and browes my stuff thats fucking one thing that they cant buy it but even when i did that i never got anyfucking money for it so fuck everything really.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont like people that take shits on peoples shit.. so fuck it all..
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  • guy had to be a total dick on the plane and tilted his chair back and shit and i was like im not gonna take this fucking bullshit and asked him to put his chair up and shit... i aint having someone do me dirty like that sit the fuck up buddy... for sure.. im not allowing someone to walk all over me.. and he was such an asshole sneezing and coughing all over the time.. like i hope the fuck i dont get sick.. but ive had a head ache for the longest fucking time thats for damn fucking sure. i finally took two stupid advil today and shit.. so its whatever.. ugh im tired of always fucking feeling something..

    i have this stupid dumb dumb asking me for money like besh you got a good paying job and shit and shes saying she has nudes of me and saying my black mail is gonna really bad and shit which is fucking weird as fucking hell or whatever..

    got kicked outta a beautiful chat room which sucks.. but the admin told me alot of people left so idk.. idk wtf that even fucking was or whatever.. but i had a damn good girl at least idk if other people fucking did it might of been online sextrafkinc tho with people having no damn fucking clue idk... alls i know is i miss talkinjg to my chat wives and shit..

    ugh i hope theyre ok..

    anyways shit fucking sucks anyways or whatever

    i think we need other people besides the police go check up on him or something cause they can take you to places to get raped and shit... look up all the rape cases on police and shit.. ugh

    guy had to be a total dick on the plane and tilted his chair back and shit and i was like im not gonna take this fucking bullshit and asked him to put his chair up and shit... i aint having someone do me dirty like that sit the fuck up buddy... for sure.. im not allowing someone to walk all over me.. and he was such an asshole sneezing and coughing all over the time.. like i hope the fuck i dont get sick.. but ive had a head ache for the longest fucking time thats for damn fucking sure. i finally took two stupid advil today and shit.. so its whatever.. ugh im tired of always fucking feeling something.. i have this stupid dumb dumb asking me for money like besh you got a good paying job and shit and shes saying she has nudes of me and saying my black mail is gonna really bad and shit which is fucking weird as fucking hell or whatever.. got kicked outta a beautiful chat room which sucks.. but the admin told me alot of people left so idk.. idk wtf that even fucking was or whatever.. but i had a damn good girl at least idk if other people fucking did it might of been online sextrafkinc tho with people having no damn fucking clue idk... alls i know is i miss talkinjg to my chat wives and shit.. ugh i hope theyre ok.. anyways shit fucking sucks anyways or whatever i think we need other people besides the police go check up on him or something cause they can take you to places to get raped and shit... look up all the rape cases on police and shit.. ugh
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  • #morningvibes #morning

    I went to bed with my eye bothering me -.- and woke up with it bothering me I need to start using my allergies medicine. I don’t know what’s going on with it but it’s been bothering me sometime and thank god I have an eye doctors appointment in April for a pair of glasses I feel as if every year it’s my ears and eyes and lately my nose has been bothering me as fucking well…
    Yesterday was a great day really. Had fun out with momma at Walmart and got a few things. Even tho we have to return a few items.
    I’ve been looking at cult collectibles and bought something I’ve had my eye on for sometime now even tho idk how true it may be. But it’s from the Jeffrey Dahmer case. I watched the whole series on Netflix and I’ve been in love slightly with everything about the case cause as an #lgbtqia #lgbtqcommunity member I know what it feels like to have constant hate from every angle of everybody and everything in your life and it’s relatable honestly even tho I could never do what Jeffrey has done I just relate to the ghosting of people and how awkward he was looked at apon his peers and how he was dying for acceptance but never truly got accepted. I’m not glorifying what he did was right it was definitely wrong but I can definitely relate to a lot of shit he went through and as someone who’s been a promiscuous person like he was in a sense and the feeling of them leaving you after a one night stand does hurt or fucking them for awhile and leaving you sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. And that’s at least why it’s relatively relatable to myself and maybe millions of others who knows. #jefferydahmernetflix #DahmerMonsterTheJeffreyDahmerStory #dahmer I can’t wait to show everyone one it is. Although it may not be real or whatever it’s something that since I’ve been #Classified as #bipolartype1 and in and out of the #mentalhospital doing such things to pass the time away I’ll definitely hold this near and dear to my heart and soul for as long as I live. And I cannot believe I can get something like this from someone who’s ached so much within life itself. who knows it it’s even haunted as well!!! HAha anyways enjoy today and make it your best day ever!!
    #morningvibes #morning I went to bed with my eye bothering me -.- and woke up with it bothering me I need to start using my allergies medicine. I don’t know what’s going on with it but it’s been bothering me sometime and thank god I have an eye doctors appointment in April for a pair of glasses I feel as if every year it’s my ears and eyes and lately my nose has been bothering me as fucking well… Yesterday was a great day really. Had fun out with momma at Walmart and got a few things. Even tho we have to return a few items. I’ve been looking at cult collectibles and bought something I’ve had my eye on for sometime now even tho idk 🤷‍♂️ how true it may be. But it’s from the Jeffrey Dahmer case. I watched the whole series on Netflix and I’ve been in love slightly with everything about the case cause as an #lgbtqia #lgbtqcommunity member I know what it feels like to have constant hate from every angle of everybody and everything in your life and it’s relatable honestly even tho I could never do what Jeffrey has done I just relate to the ghosting of people and how awkward he was looked at apon his peers and how he was dying for acceptance but never truly got accepted. I’m not glorifying what he did was right it was definitely wrong but I can definitely relate to a lot of shit he went through and as someone who’s been a promiscuous person like he was in a sense and the feeling of them leaving you after a one night stand does hurt or fucking them for awhile and leaving you sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. And that’s at least why it’s relatively relatable to myself and maybe millions of others who knows. #jefferydahmernetflix #DahmerMonsterTheJeffreyDahmerStory #dahmer I can’t wait to show everyone one it is. Although it may not be real or whatever it’s something that since I’ve been #Classified as #bipolartype1 and in and out of the #mentalhospital doing such things to pass the time away I’ll definitely hold this near and dear to my heart and soul for as long as I live. And I cannot believe I can get something like this from someone who’s ached so much within life itself. who knows it it’s even haunted as well!!! HAha anyways enjoy 😉 today and make it your best day ever!!
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  • Why is it every time I tell my best friend I’m talking to someone new the new relationship I’m talking to goes south and she got super jealous I was being friends with someone else and said for me to find someone knew because she thought that he wasn’t my type LMAO BRO
    Why is it every time I tell my best friend I’m talking to someone new the new relationship I’m talking to goes south and she got super jealous I was being friends with someone else and said for me to find someone knew because she thought that he wasn’t my type LMAO BRO
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