I'm going to take a dna test HOPING I have even 1% African Heritage.

Because if it is?




I'm going to sound like Kat Williams in every conversation and no one can accuse my White Hispanic Lily Ass of being racist.......(Pauuuuuuuuuse).........To them........(Pauuuuuuuuuse)...........That day.

You white boys going to get jelly...Cus you can't say what I can............(Pauuuuuuuuuse)..............Of my peoples.

1% is all I need.

Then I'mma fixxing to be the black male "Eizabeth Warren" of Mexicans...No bullshit either...It's going to be hilarious!

Well to me it is.

Possibly start shoplifting, attacking Asians and smoking crack at the local elementary school with my Biden Crack pipe...Wearing bunny slippers to walmart and hats with the price tag on them.