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My Opinion on Abortion


I don't have a Uterus or have to carry the baby for 9 months so therefore I have no say.

However, I don't think it's a good thing as I've seen some people use it as Contraception instead of as a last ditch answer to a bad situation.

I knew a girl who had 3 and kept having unprotected sex...That's just nasty.

But her body her choice as to what to inject or take a pill...But I'm still going with "Nasty."

Personally I don't mind abortion, but it's honestly due to my Margot Sanger Eugenic Beliefs:

Basically not everyone SHOULD be a parent...There is a lot of trash out there having children they can't feed, clothed, shelter or even upbring in a good way.

We all know someone who feeds their kids garbage, let's their kids misbehave and be aggressively mean leading to future assholes...While at the same time doing a bunch of drugs and getting into non-stop drama.

I literally just described everyone's bad brother/sister/cousin with the 3-5 kids and no job or aspirations.

That being said I 100% don't think sending the choice of Abortions back to the states will honestly be that big of deal...Want to know why?

Fertility is dropping off a crazy cliff for the Western World...(Especially Whites):

1.  Present 18-33 year old men are only about as fertile as a 60 year old male 20 years ago.

2.  Chemicals are making men also lose testosterone to levels about 18% of what was normal in a male in the 1950's.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the big one...that no one is admitting?

Pfizer, government regulators hid smoking gun data showing that covid jabs cause birth defects and infertility

“These decisions led to medical professionals, who are far too trusting of Medicine Regulators, to wrongly inform pregnant women that the Covid-19 injections are perfectly safe during pregnancy, leading to many pregnant women feeling pressured to get vaccinated,” reported the Daily Exposé (UK).

“This fraud and deception has caused multiple fetal deaths due to Covid-19 vaccination in the USA alone, and a further study shows Covid-19 vaccination actually increases the risk of suffering a miscarriage by at least 1,517%.”

That and dudes who got the shot are now also infertile or having erection problems IN THEIR TEENS AND 20'S.

They tried to scare men into getting the shot by saying the opposite...That it was 6 more likely for you to get them if you got Covid and weren't vaccinated.

Two very bad things though...Guys who get vaccinated are also now more susecptible to catching Covid as oppposed to the Unvaxxed.

In some studies, they included subjects who had been vaccinated, but since not enough time had passed they were considered UNVAXXED.

LOL...Way of skewing the numbers.

In some places you could get the vax and get sick on your 13th day and be considered UNVAXXED...Just like in others you could get sick on your 44th day and still be UNVAXXED for cdata purposes.

Pure bullshit.

So to repeat:

1.  Leave abortion alone...Hell let the government pay ex-cons/drug addicts and some people money to get fixed or get abortions...Seriously for the child's sake...I'll donate to that.

2.  We're all being polluted with multiple plastics and poisonous chemicals that are either making men feminine or not able to reproduce.

This is a kid under 10 years old...25% of kids are like this in the Scotland and US:

3.  Even if you are fertile odds are the vaccine will fuck the birth or cause misscarriages to happen more often than they should.


So in other words we're all arguing about something that won't be as common as it once was...Because soon being fertile will be considered a coveted thing...Means you're healthy enough to reproduce.

That nature hasn't decided to weed you out.




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