I mean you could kill your self with a guitar you could kill your self with razors you can throw crosses at people you can write murder on walls and people die just looking at it you can smash TVs over your head you can dance like a monkey on lava cause everywhere is lava you can choke on coke you can snort coke you can throw fits you can steal ppls women away from them you can trip over people that look like your dead ex you can put your face in the flames of a fire you can put your face on a hot burner you can wrap your hair in a fire pit you can trip and fall and die you can listen to music that breaks your heart you don't have to smile you can cry til your eyes fall outta place  you can drink bleach you can smoke you can do drugs you can go driving you can laugh at a hearse I don't even see any funerals tho which is weird you can watch horror movies that you really scare you you can fall off a cliff you can eat dog shit you can smell death a mile away you can throw it up on your own you can take all pills at once 


to be confused to be continued