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You Ladies Are Fucked


So firstly men are pretending to be women and taking your scholarships, awards and jobs. 

Then they are trying to erase you by erasing things like words like "Mother, Pregnant, Vagina, Feminine"  etc just like you don't exist. 

Then the Feminist parts of your groups are finding out no one needs them and their skills are either exaggerated, lacking or not marketable and those bitches are broke as shit.

Followed by the medically broken by bad protocols, fake meds or overly medicated which probably causes many of the mental issues. 

Then the ones left are left with weak, stupid, lazy men who have no purpose.

Buttigegs of the world getting P. Diddied. 

But now your LESBIAN COMMUNITY has become the same.

The Butch ones have now turned out as stupid, lazy, weak, angry, mopey AND CHEAP as many Gen Z MEN.

I know a few Attractive Lesbian friends of my girl and all their LESBIAN PARTNERS are doing that.

Video games, alcohol, pot, junk food followed by:

"I spent all my money and can't pay rent, bills, the car etc...Can you cover and I'll pay you later?" 

Every MONTH.

You ladies are in trouble. 



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