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So Thursday I was walking somewhere at about 6:30pm at dusk and as I did for a split second, I saw from the corner of my eye something that looked like a ripped part of a poster that had a pic of Jordan from New Kids On The Block.

And being this city is like an 1800 years old Mayan City, founded by the Spanish in 1642 and is very old school I though:

"I'm being crazy!  No way is it that...They came out like in 1985...I'm probably wrong."

 But it bugged me...So about a quarter of the block later I thought:

"That shit is going to bug me unless I know I'm right or wrong."

So I stopped and doubled back to look at it because it was just going to bug me not to know annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd?

And yes that's my hand.

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