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I Told You YEARS Ago


That Paxolovid, the NEW "mAgIc CoViD cUrE" would end up not only NOT working, but wait till you read about the side effects from people who are now suffering from them.

Not talking about the aches, taste change or stomach issues...The immune issues that caused them to get OTHER diseases due to the treatment.

It makes your immune system weaker at a low low low price of $1300 per treatment of (5) cheaply made pills from Pfizer that cost them $13.38 to produce.

Those Vaxxers who were touting it and forcing it on the black population in the US actually pretty much fucked them.

Remember when the CDC/FDA/NIH only allowed minorities to get them, BUT NOT WHITES OR ASIANS?

Lol!  How that work out for you?


You had MAJOR news media calling me a quack for doubting this "Wonder Drug."

But I knew that shit was bad...No matter what they said.




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