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Changing History Through Omission


Was watching some silly show yesterday "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell."

An Adult Swim comedy show about some demon working like some office worker in hell...It started in 2013, back then you could still make fun of pedos, gays, trans, blacks etc.

It was a great time to be alive!  =)

So in this one episode they did, which got me thinking of other great shows like "Strip Mall...Strangers with Candy...Upright Citizens Brigade..." which have now all disappeared, episodes been erased or are limited on what's out there.

Like how Warner Brother took off all the racist cartoons with Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck or Speedy Gonzalez etc where "Stereotypes were mentioned."

You would be shocked at what used to be allowed in an Open Society...But I'm a Libertarian, all info is good unless it's sexxual or violent for sex or violence sake.

But NOW they hide everything "TO MAKE IT BETTER."

What you have is 3 younger generations who know nothing of history because EVERYTHING is being ommited, changed, skewed or slanted.

"Oh don't listen to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin etc etc because they were racist or owned slaves or their family owned slaves or they once called negroes 'niggers' in their diaries..."

You erase their message based on their human traits and now no one is talking Freedom of anything because that's a Thomas Jefferson Idea and he was a slave owner and honestly a slave rapist.

But the idea stands by itself...Lots of people are garbage like Churchhill, FDR, LBJ, Ford etc etc but it's WHO OWNS THE MEANS TO PRINT BOOKS, MAKE THE MOVIES, EDIT THE SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS, RUN THE NEWSPAPERS/RADIO/TV STATIONS ETC WHO WRITES THE HISTORY.

If I give you half the info or my version of it I'm MANIPULATING you.

If I tell you fauci killed THOUSANDS of gays with AZT in the 80's along with a bunch of Orphaned Puerto Ricans would you even know?

Yet 3 decades later it was scrubbed from history, not fully banned, but shadowhidden and now only his awards and acolades showed up, are you being manipulated of who he really is and was?

Do things happening seem normal to you?

Say I tell you that the EVs destroy the earth and cost more energy making than they will ever save?

Will you reply with a "Why do you hate children?  Why do you hate Mother Earth?  Well we have to do something!"

Even though it's been TRILLIONS wasted, the technology doesn't work and it appears to be pushing us to an energy collapse in Europe along with a collapse of crops due to stopping use of petro fertilizers from Russia?

Everything seems to be manipulated to serve the Leader's Ideology.

The EU refuses to show immigration status of a majority of it's rapists, child molestors and violent criminals.

If you point out the fact they're illegals you will be arrested, fined or imprisoned EVEN IF WHAT YOU PUBLISHED OR SAID IS 100% TRUE.

You are told that if you call a man with a beard and a penis in a dress a man, you WILL have cops show up at your house and odds are be arrested in the EU.

For the things I have said here over the years, I could be sued or imprisoned for 20+ years in Canada, the Uk, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and almost all of the EU.

They are changing historical facts, downplaying great tragedies while focusing on the ones they like using propagnada to push it.

Them:  "Saddam has Ebola, Anthrax, mustard gas etc!"

Me:  "Who gave it to him?"

Them:  Silence

Hint:  We did...All of it to use on Iran during their war.

Or think how many of us think we went to WWI/WWII/Korea/Vietnam etc WITHOUT being tricked into it?

They keep us stupid to lord over us.

All that crazy shit you hear from Fringe Weirdoes is NOT that wrong.

Some of it is, but a lot of the weirder things are NOT.

Did you ever think we'd be looking at produce (Lettuce/Tomatoes) with mRNA inserted into it, eating crickets, drinking roach milk, artificial wombs, gene splicing, nano technology, DNA information used as your ID, paperless currencies, 15 minute cities, saving freedom by opression, starting wars to have peace, jews commiitting atrocities like they complain about on others and laughing about it etc etc?

We are in a combo of 1984/Brave New World/Logan's Run.

1984 due to the complete Big Brother watching everything you do, like, dislike, use, read, write or learn about.

Brave New World due to the complete feeding of garbage food, drinks, drugs and entertainment to keep us sedated while they take everything becautiful and of value...The rich get richer, healthier and younger while everyone else becomes a useful serf.

Logan's Run due to the big push to stay infertile, have no white children, stay sedated and commit suicide in a heartbeat based on very easy criteria...You no longer need a Doctor's Note, nor to be seen by psych staff, in fact in some places an RN can prescribe the Suicide Pill Starter Pack.  

But we're all going to pretend our president isn't in late Dementia Stages, that wars aren't being staged to take over land and resources and that multiple countries aren't being pushed to collapse due to lack of energy, food, meds, law and order and fuel ON PURPOSE.

Wild guess why there's so much inflation?

Overprint currencies and underproduce necesities to SQUEEZE society into collapsing.





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