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10 inconsequential things about me/you.


Just for shits and giggles, post 10 inconsequential things about yourself. Here goes.

1. My favorite color is orange. Not bright orange, but burnt orange or rust orange.

2. I have a huge soft spot for animals, especially dogs. I like cats slightly less mostly because I'm allergic to them.

3. Toys that talk or move by themselves give me the creeps. Want to see every hair I have stand up straight? Put me in a room with one of these things.

4. I have been married for 4 years and my sisters  in law say my wife and I are  "still so in love it's sickening" or "obsessed with each other, not in love."

5. I am the youngest of three, and have a brother and sister.

6. Halloween is my favorite day.

7. I brew beer and wine 

8. I, a white guy, am often mistaken for Mexican, sometimes by Mexicans. I'm dark complected for a white guy and have dark hair and eyes.

9. I like to fish.

10. If you need directions, do NOT ask me for them. I will forget the names of roads I drive on every day as soon as I need to tell somebody they'll want to take that road.


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