38% of Brown University students identify as LGBTQ+

"The Brown Daily Herald, which serves as the school's independent run newspaper, has kept track of LGBTQ+ prominence on campus since 2010, when 86% of students identified as straight. The rate of straight students since dropped to 60%, and the latest survey shows the percentage of LGBTQ+ students has doubled since 2010."

At this point, I no longer care, they're over 18...You want to do that knock yourself out.

However, I also know that the lbgtq community suffers some of the highest rates of criminal victimization, domestic abuse, substance abuse, unemployment, poverty, clinical depression, STD rates and of course that leads to a crazy high rate of suicide.

Am I saying being one makes you all that?  No.

But the fucking odds go up...Probably because when your entire persona is based on that, then you also absorb all the problems that come with it.

Some gay guy gets killed suddenly you feel like it was an attack on you, some trans gets called a "Shim" suddenly it's Nazi-Like Homophobia and a terror to be you.

But is it?

Or are some of these people just mentally ill and easily shaken?

Are they just attaching themselves to something to be part of a bigger thing?

Is convinvcing yourself that suddenly you are something because others around you are saying they're gay "Mass Hysteria?"

"Group Psychosis?"

Maybe...Either way...If you're an adult do it, but I figure once you cross the bridge you're kinda fucked.

Cus once operations or hormone treatment start, it's all slippery slope then and you'll end up like this person.

Aug 29, 2022
My new vaginal canal is going to be partly made of Alloderm, which is
made of sterilized tissue from human cadaver skin which is so fucking
cool and cyberpunk???
What's the weirdest thing is so many have such  high rate of STDs that the CDC doesn't even talk about what percentage has an STD overall...They instead focus on how many have an STD in their throat or rectum...1 in 8.
But out of those other 7...How many had it on their junk or on some sore?
I'm going with 3...Making it 50-50 or a flip of a coin in catching HIV, Syphilis, Herpes or Gonaherea or as it's known in Memphis:
"Free Tennessee Lube"
Don't fall for it boyz!  Hold your lust for beautiful ladies with 5'oclock shadow!
Say in a loud voice:
"I'm very flattered sir, but no I don't want that free blow job.
(In a whispering voice)
Can I just get an angry hand job?...I'll meet you in back of the Denny's Alleyway...Next to the dumpster...Wear a red carnation and a top hat and a monicle so I know it's you!
I never was going to go through with it!
What?  Stop laughing!  It was a test I tell you!
* No Noodles were harmed in the making of this blog