Watching a podcast on the evils of Coca-Cola.

About how terrible it is for the body and spikes glucose and insulin while fucking with the body's PH etc.

Not to mention the waste of water, diabetes and pollution.

But they kept showing them pouring a cold one into a glass as it fizzled.

I could literally smell the sweet syrup and taste the deliciousness of it with maybe a squeeze of lime or lemon.

"So what happened Noodles???"

I went to my fridge and drank a cold ass Pepsi...With Lime.  

The weather here at 11pm or so is a cool breeze on a semi-humid night night at about 80-95 degrees.

The trees make a shushing sound as the wind blows through them and my windchime sounds pretty in my garden

And it was soooooooooooo good.