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So Doing My Favorite Past Time


"Scat?"   No.

"Drawing Hitler Mustaches on pictures of Michelle Obama?"   Errrm...No...Errrrm...Maybe.

"Watching midget porn?"  No...That's Tuesdays.

Arguing with people online.

When suddenly I started seeing all these stories about "Male Toxicity"

Which made me very suspicious...Check out a few:

Masculine Men Are Revealing "Girly" Things They Actually Love, And It Completely Redefines The Concept Of "Alpha Males"


Psychopathic tendencies in men linked to greater testosterone exposure in the womb


It's such a clumsy way to try to fool us into thinking being masculine is a bad thing.

It's straight MANIPULATION and obvious PROPAGANDA to honestly?

Weaken males so that we no longer have drive, desire to protect, till we're beaten down by lack of money, health, women, happiness etc.

While they whisper "Be faggy!  Be fun and don't worry about hard choices, acting like a protector or standing for things...Just give in...Take the easy way."

Which I know that when Men become weak then life becomes hard.

So be careful...Everything is a manipulation.

From military, government, education, history, business, society, religion etc.

Everything is trying to push you to be weak, lower your head and accept whatever breadcrumbs tehy toss at you.

Stay strong...Both women and men.

Because when both work as a single thing it's perfect, a ying yang, soft but strong...Cold but sweet.

We compliment each other...Both people in a relationship should not both be soft or hard...It should be one of each to help each other out.

Don't fall for their social experiment to accept everything.


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