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The Terrible Wonderful Masseuse


So went back to see that unprofessional masseuse again.

My appointment was at 2:30pm...I get there and she was asleep...Then she got up and put things where they were supposed to be, I helped with her laundry and we began.

45 minutes late.

By then I'm grumbling, then she began and I swear as soon as she touched my back I took back everything I said.

She did the right side of my leg and I groan and whimpered, like biden when he dropped his ice cream cone, on a hot summer day.

I want to kidnap her and have the North Koreans clone her.

If 100 of her existed Famine, War, Pestilence would end as well as Jock Itch and my crippling fear of bananas.

Jews would love Muslims...Sikhs would love Hindus and the Pope would love a Woman's Right to Choose.

Everyone would be happy...Puppies would bark and babies would squeal with joy.

When she finished I felt all wobbly and dizzy.

Best Terrible Massuese Ever.

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