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How I Know The NWO is Controlling Everything


This happened days ago in Ohio...Has contaminated over 200 square miles...SO FAR.

Dead animals, fishes and polluted land and water tables.

No National Guard, No Red Cross help for days...Reporters arrested.

Radio silence, lies by the EPA and the state goverment...Transportation Secretary MIA.

After the crash, the idiots in charge decided to burn the chemicals which is crazy toxic.

Media coverage on ANY major newsite is nothing, but a small blurb.

I expect many many many people dead in the future due to what might be the worse contamination EVER on US soil.

ESPECIALLY near some of the richest planting fields in the country.

By the way, the last 30 miles before the crash the authorities were told their wheel sensors said that the wheels were on fire and they still rolled them until they melted CAUSING THE CRASH.

Who controls the media?

Which companies control the trains?

Who is 55% of the heads of every department in this Administration?

Might be time for another culling.


Nach Verein filtern
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