I’m watching January 6th on discovery plus. And lemme say I’m very disappointed in trump supporters on how they acted that day with the way everything went about. People were lying to me saying it was all liberals doing that but there wasn’t anyone in site screaming let’s go Biden. I’ve lost faith in humanity pretty much. Trump made our country out to be a fucking joke. I don’t even know where to start how he was such a giant pos to America and the people. Of course jobs were booming but there’s studies that show when people are upset the spend more which was the only case why they needed to hire more people for the supply and demand and of course you seen lower gas prices cause by the tail end of it there was no need for gas because we were all to stay home and people were listening cause people were dying from Covid… like most people don’t understand stand this at all. I can’t say Biden has been all sunflowers and candies cause we’re all struggling with prices on goods and gas, but that’s definitely corporation greed not Biden doing that… I’m ashamed in how Americans acted that day. 
My god.