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Whoever is Running This Simulation...


Isn't even tryng anymore.

The OBVIOUS progaganda we get bombarded with is straight stupid...I read the news all day long and you can just read the simplistic way you can see how they phrase things in order to try to manipulate.

I don't even think they think they can fool us anymore so they're just bullshitting around.

We're at the point in this world, like in a TV show that's ran too long and now every season it gets worse and the plots get more and more stupid.

Which is scary in a way, because it means they no longer care if they're found out.

Which to me, means they're about to do something massive.

Crash the economy...Crash the energy sector...Crash the food supply 

I mean we are just entertainment for someone.

We are the Universe's Keeping Up With the Khardasians Show.

They do this or that just to watch our reaction...Sometimes just for the fuck of it.

We live in amazing times.


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