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Fuck Imgur


Now I used to love Imgur...But they became CRAZY lefty during the election and if you said ANYTHING Pro-Trump or Anti-Biden they censored or suspended your account.

So what's happened is now it's a huge Echo Chamber for lefty stuff.

Gay Stuff...Trans Stuff...Anti-Trump Stuff...Pro Biden Stuff...Anti Russia Stuff...Pro Ukraine Stuff etc etc.

You get the gist...Now I have no issue getting into discussions or arguements but these people just flag you and have you taken off the site or Shadow Banned.

But since I have a bunch of my pics there I kept it, but obviously I can't respond or comment on anything.

But what I have noticed is how completely miserable these fucks are...Every 3rd post is about depression, a break up, being abused, having no will to live etc.


Remember all those weirdo Screamos and Emos back in the early 2000s, who were just miserable and were always wanting to talk about morbid stuff and always threatening to cut themselves?

That's basically these fucks...I like looking at the funny pics, but they tend to get waaaaaaay too morbid...You can't just be pessimistic about everything.

Even in the worst of times things have a:

Watch!  So things suck and are getting out of control...We've lost about 20% of what we're worth in a year at least...We're close to war and the Covid Vaccine data that is coming out, but kept very hushed is showing that many people will die early...BUT?

1.  We will learn to appreciate things more and not hoard because we are about to be as poor as most Europeans...Prepare to pretend you're Slovankian and live in tiny apartments in terrible neighborhoods.

2.  We will lose weight because we will eat smaller portions, eat out less and learn to cook more to save money.

3.  We will make friends because as things start to break down people will reach out more to others...This introvert bullshit has to end...People need to stop saying they're introverts just because they think it's cool...It's not and leads to lonliness and most likely depression.

4.  Due to the breakdown in the economy and the medical and psych services people will have to toughen up and learn to live life without pills for everything...No more meds for sadness, pills for acid reflux, pills for pain, pills to sleep etc.

People will have to make an effort and figure out what is causing the issues and work on it.

I can get as many pills as I want and instead stretch because FUCK pain pills...I see what the results are...Everyone I know on pills stays on pills.

5.  An Awakening is happening because once you start looking at what ANYONE on TV says, announcer, reporter, medical "Professional" or politician you start to see so many lies that they are straight saying in your face.

Hoping you're too lazy to catch it or care.

You start to see all kinds of destructive policies being placed on going against common sense to the point you realize it appears to being done on purpose.

I think we all can't wake up because some of us WANT to believe that everything is as they said...But little by little the mask slips more and more and you start to wonder about EVERYTHING that you been lied to about.

I think we're on the verge of a Great 4th Turning...I do think many will die or be made so poor that they will die younger because of poverty, illness, lack of medical treatments or depression.

But for those that make it?  It will be amazing on the other end.





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