So reading about all these cities with high murder rates and it's the usual suspects NYC, Chi-Town, Baltimore, Detroit, Philly, Houston, Atlanta, NOLA...Notice a pattern?

Just sayin'

Anyways, I was all "Where's Los Angeles?"

Cus shit is the Wild Wild West down there...Roaming gangs of homeless like out of some Mad Max film off downtown.

59,000 crazy ex-con homeless in a 60 block area.

That's INSANE.

ODs for 2021 were about 1988 and the murders were 777 give or take.

But these sleazy mfers then seperated the cities in Los Angeles.

So they'll say:  "Yeah he was murdered across the street in Glendale, but we're Torrance on this side."

Straight skewing the numbers.

Southern Cali isn't like the rest of the country.

In Los Angeles and San Diego there is no seperation between cities it's all some sort of Judge Dredd MegaCity.

Los Angeles City is actually all of Los Angeles County...But they fuck with how things are counted to pretend it's not crazy violent EVERYDAY.