So was reading those agony letters where someone describes an issue they're having and Dear Abby or Whomever gives their advice.

Some guy got with some girl who was scared of Covid, so she "MADE" him wear masks everywhere, not go out for the last say 18 months and get FOUR FUCKING VACCINATIONS.

Now she was telling him even with all that he wasn't allowed to go to concerts or shows which supposedly this guy loves.

Then he asks if he's being "Unreasonable."

Firstly, dude is probably dead by next year so he might as well go to the shows and enjoy...That dude let some chick give HIMSELF VAIDS with 4 Vaccinations.

Secondly, by reading it I know he's a White Boy.

"Hey Bryce/Tanner/Conner/Skylar!  Tell her ass no! And put the fucking Simp Sauce DOWN!"