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Holy Foooook


Grading some Final Papers and these fucking brainwashed college kids are going to be perfect Nazis in the future:

On a paper on "Combatting Anti-Semitism and Mending J-X Relations in America" this broad is ready to shut down freedom of speech in a blink of an eye.

She's quite happy with the following 8 Liberal Senate pushes...Some which leads to some straight V for Vedetta bullshit:

 [1]The President, Cabinet officials, and Members of Congress must call out anti-
Semitism and bigotry at every opportunity

2]Improve Federal Hate Crime Data
collection, Transparency, and Support

[3]Fully Fund Programs Supporting Community

[4]Pass Legislation to Address Anti-Semitism, White Supremacy, and
Domestic Terrorism

[5]Address On-Line Hate and Harassment Through Legislation
and Training

[6]Urge Social Media Platforms to Institute Stronger Measures to
Address On-Line Hate and Harassment

[7]Consider the Appropriateness of Foreign
Terrorist Organizations Designations for White Supremacist Organizations Abroad

[8]Consider the Necessity and Feasibility of a Criminal Domestic Terrorism

These fuckers are going for straight totalitarianism and these kids are walking right in to support it...Those in power can call ANYTHING racist then use the law against it.


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