For those who don't know, I used to be in a Marxist cult.  A month or two after graduating from university I was indoctrinated into a Marxist cult by a guy I was dating.  That guy was a total fuckboy, but I ended up joining his party, partially because I was obsessed with him and partially because I agreed with the ideology at the time. Needless to say, I was very misguided.


Flashforward a few years into the future, I had been expelled from this party. To this day I don't know why I was expelled but I have suspiscions it was because I asked too many questions during the analysis of the readings we were doing, and the people "mentoring" (ie indoctrinating) me didn't know how to answer these questions.  Me wanting to understand every aspect of what I'm being told to believe, I didn't just sit back and nod my head during these phone conversations.  I had minored in Philosophy so I'm the type of person who really wants to understand what a philosophy is actually saying.  Whereas these people just wanted me to read something and absorb it unquestioningly while only signaling total agreement.  There was no room for discussion, unless it was capitulation.


After having been expelled from the party, I would read their website occasionally. I had first-hand experience witnessing how they would warp and twist a story to mean something completely different, or how they would lie about basic facts.  For instance, I once attended one of their public meetings, which was later reported on and the number of attendees had been inflated. There had to have been 20-30 people there at the most, yet they reported that 60 people showed up. Its not as if they counted incorrectly. Everyone was prompted to sign in upon entry to the meeting, so they had accurate numbers lol They knew it wasn't 60 people.  That kind of thing irked me.


At the time I was dating someone else in the party (not the first guy I mentioned) and i tried discussing it with him to see what he thought. He defended their every action.  This really upset me. It was all lockstep with these people. No room for contradiction or they would yell at you and shout you down. I once witnessed a guy being shouted down in a meeting for AGREEING with the party line.  Basically, they will go out of their way to put you in your place occasionally just to keep you in fear.  If you are constantly stressed out and in fear, you will be less likely to question things in the future.


Back to the topic at hand of why Socialist men are the WORST, shortly after I was expelled from this group, the Brock Turner case broke in the media.  Now, I don't any longer identify as a feminist or a Marxist, and these days I tend to believe that most news is fake, especially in regards to things like the "me too" movement. Why am I, as a working class woman, supposed to care what these rich women did, or were subjected to, to get famous?  Even if all these allegations were real, which I don't think they are because you have to be a Luciferian cultist to become famous in the first place, there are more important things to talk about, like what President Trump was trying to address, such as human trafficking, women being more likely to be sex trafficked, which is why he put through that bill to halt that kind of internet activity.  I do think we're in an actor based reality, so I tend to think that Trump isn't even a real person, let alone a real president, but if he were, he would actually be one of the most feminist presidents in history, despite attempts to smear campaign him as a sexist.  He would actually fall into the second wave of feminism category in terms of his views and actions, despite the fact that he is portrayed as a "play boy" and a rapist.  However, since I believe this is an actor based reality and that most news, especially at the national level, is fake, I'm not exactly a supporter of Trump or any presidential nominee the elite and media put forth.  But I digress.  I'm not sure the Brock Turner case was actually real, and I tend to think that it was a total fabrication by media to stir up emotions and divide and conquer men and women.


The socialist website I used to work and write for started reporting on this case in terms of "cultural analysis".  I think partially their analysis of "me too" was correct, that it was a major media distraction and that these elite women being reported on do not represent working class women. However, seeing the comments from these socialist men on the Brock Turner article made my stomach turn. I scrolled through hundreds of comments of men defending Brock Turner's actions. The article was basically saying that his family didn't deserve to be harassed by media or other crazy people, and that the case was a divide and conquer agenda, which was true, but the comments devolved into all these socialist men saying that the victim either deserved to be raped as punishment for being drunk, or that it was fine to rape her because she was unconscious so she "couldn't feel anything"... I was horrified because I had spent years in this party talking to these males, and realizing that they didn't think of women as human beings at all (e.g. me) made me physically ill.


In other words, Socialist men are very good at pretending you are human to your face and then denigrating your humanity behind your back, and in fact would have no problem violating your autonomy if given the chance. For a party that claimed to care about women's rights, this was disgusting to watch and frankly scary to think back on that in any given situation someone in that party may have been considering raping me and everyone would have defended this person or had no problem with it whatsoever, even the women. They are the epitome of hypocrites.


While I do think red pill men are pretty disgusting people, at least they are upfront with their views and don't really pull any punches when it comes to telling you they don't think you are human. In fact, conservative men have created entire religions, philosophies and other ideologies that center around women not being considered human.  PUA culture is a very good example. No, I actually find it more disgusting that there is a whole host of men out there pretending to care about my well-being, but actually they just wanna rape and kill me and throw my body in a ditch, or in this case behind a dumpster. I'll take the former over the latter any day.  Its much easier to avoid conservative men because they are straight up with their dumb views regarding women, than it is to avoid these hidden psychopaths, and its one of the major reasons I left California was that these socialist men were every where all around me.  At least most conservative men believe in marriage and will at least follow traditional protocols  regarding taking care of you. Socialist men not only don't want to take care of you after fucking you, they would be just fine with a roving gangs of rapists stealing your wife and daughter because they don't believe in private property.  I'll take being the private property of one man over being the public property of socialist men any day.


But if those are my only two choices, mainly I just prefer to steer clear of men altogether at this point... This is one of the main reasons I will never have sex again until I'm married.