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God Protects Fools & Saints


Saw a token coin called 'God's Unchained' on Coinbase...Seemed like a good project...Some sort of card/deck game that pays players with competitions and prizes.

So I thought "I'll throw $100 into it...Maybe it'll double in the near future."

I stay away from gaming, but I 100% know it's coming in a new form of complete inversion.

But I was doing something and instead of coverting $100 from one coin to that one I hit the covert all of THAT coin for this new coin.

When I realized my mistake I was:

But I figured God had wanted me to do that for some reason and I let it float...Woke up this morning and it had made $1100 if I cash it out now...By now profit is down to $700 but you know what?

I'm going to let it float...See where it goes.

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