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For Those Who Believe in Shadow People


So watching a GREAT Argentine Horror Movie called "Terrified."

Acting is so-so, but the flow is realistic:

Plus the FX were very decent for a low budget film.

ANYWAYS, one thing they mentioned when they found a "ghost" under the bed was that you only saw him at certain angles...Which reminded me of something I read about the Shadow People...How they're supposedly interdemensional and only can be seen from certain angles.

Basically you can see them if they're looking at you, but when they turn sideways they disappear.

Which creeped me out...Which actually made the movie better for me.

I know most don't believe in them:

But I've seen or felt them a few times...What I do know is that people say "Nope never seen or felt anything like that!"

Then some people remember times they did...Like they were scared shitless as kids or adults then almost instantaneously forgot about it.

Until someone mentioned it and THEN they remembered.

Anyways, good flick alhough for most of you, you'd have to use the subtitles.



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