I knew San Francisco, Oakland, Baltimore, Philly, New York, Portland, Los Angeles, NOLA, Houston etc etc were straight Zombieland, but Seattle?

That city has sooooooooooo many MULTI MiLLIONAIRE and BILLIONAIRE LIBERALS.

I mean they're like the headquarters for NIKE, Boeing, tons of Dot.Coms.

antifa, bLM and other assorted assholes have taken over the city...They're the mayors the weak ass police chiefs etc etc.

So you would think with all that money, progressive agenda, man power and ability to tax the uber rich it be a Utopia for the Progressives right?

Lol that shit look like Kensigton in Philly:


This is fucking beautiful...Almost as this tidbit from my major city to the West:

San Francisco providing drugs and alcohol to homeless population in hotels amid coronavirus pandemic


Now that's some Progressive Quality Room Service!