Well today bloody sucked. 

It has been over a month since i had a day off i could actually enjoy (death in the family, christmas stress, overworking and now the unknown virus the last 15 days), of course the time i can finally go out and do shit, see people, do literally anything else other than force myself to stay the Fuck down and in bed - it snows 36cm. Now, i love snow. Love winter. What i DONT love however, is the city not bothering to plow a single sidewalk 12 hours++ after the snow has stopped. Add on to the fact that the snow plows made corners of all the lights completely burried. This is a Northern part of the world, yet every winter people act as if it has never snowed around here before. Nothing get cleaned for days and its near state of emergency. 


And so i gave up. Fuck cleaning, fuck floors, fuck cooking (im sure ill regret that tomorrow before my shift), all i fucking do is grind either at work or with domestic affairs, havent seen any of my peoples in months because life makes it so I cannot, even when I finally get a shred of time to spend on myself. No relaxation, no mental stimulation, just this infernal state of bored limbo.


Fuck this shit, let the house be a fucking mess. Im not the only one here and i am chaos anyway. Someone else can clean for once. 

I have a feeling ill be fulltime shortly. They sure as heck working me like i am. Apparently that doesnt go well with my health issues, but the hell do I about that one? I dont want to be "that guy", dont want them cutting my hours too much, but sick is sick... and this sick will take me out of work entirely if im not careful. 

....that fucking income though. Its been forever. What a saving grace, most folks have been laid off again. Im lucky to have a job and one that I dont hate at that. Need better nutrition choices for lunches though thats for sure.. if only so i at least dont look like a Kolobok for next swimming season.