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Detaching From The Simulation, Part II: Why You Experience Pain


Now that we've discussed specific ways that you may be subjected to targeted demoralization in this Realm, let's delve further into the "purpose" of it.

If we assume that the False Light Soul-trap Matrix narrative is true, we can conclude that the rulers of this Realm are evil sadists who subject us to a dualistic existence for some greater purpose.  In other words, light cannot exist without dark, or vice versa; pain cannot exist without pleasure, or vice versa; good cannot exist without evil, or vice versa; growth cannot exist without destruction, or vice versa; chaos cannot exist without order, or vice versa, etc.  In fact, entire philosophies have been constructed around this duality.  Take Aristotelien philosophy for instance, the determination that virtue is established by finding the perfect balance between two extremes.  Basically, everything in this realm points to the fact that we live under a system of what I (and probably others) consider to be false duality.  Consider this point: if God is the creator of everything in existence, you must conclude he also created evil and chose to subject us to it, therefore God (whatever you conceive that to be) must be evil himself.  As above, so below; material existence simply mirrors its creator. And if evil is good and good is evil because either contains the other, choosing one over the other must be meaningless.

So what we can conclude is possibly God is both good and evil.  In which case, why are we, his creation, expected to choose between good and evil? Why are we subjected to a different standard and judged for it? But that's not the topic I'm here to discuss today. Perhaps another time. Trying to figure out exactly why God is such a piece of shit is probably a fruitless task. Our main concern is getting out of this place and becoming our own gods.

So what is the purpose of the duality concerning the False Light Soul-trap Matrix? Well, if you think about your life and all the pain you've endured, its an easy question to answer: subjecting you to endless pain will make it much easier to coerce you into the False Light when you die.  For example, I've been told that my birth chart is probably the worst anyone could ever have. The day I was born, the time I was born and the location I was born all seem to add up to a perfect concoction of failure in this Realm. Apparently, according to several of my astrological charts, I am never meant to find love, financial stability or purpose in this lifetime.  Honestly, not even surprising at this point because I always kinda had a feeling about that.  Despite this disappointment, it brings me a little relief knowing that it hasn't always been my personal failures and faults that have lead me to where I am today.  Indeed, my life has been shitty because it has been purposely designed to be this way by some "higher power". That doesn't mean I don't have free will like other people.  I can still choose to be a good or a bad person. Maybe I can still even choose where I want to work, who I want to associte with and where I want to go to some degree. It just means that no matter what I do, I will probably end up at the same basic station in life: without love, without meaning, and probably on the lower end of the socio-economic scale. In which case, my choices (not my successes) will be what determines who and what I really am. However, some of my experiences have lead me to one conclusion: none of it is worth fighting for anyway.  I never really aspired to partake in hierarchy, have a career or make a lot of money in the first place. I just don't think those things are that important and never really have. I only really went to college to become a more well-rounded person.  My only real disappointment in this life is never having found love,  gotten married and had a family, but I think I'm finally starting to let go of that ambition as well because I realized something recently: It's all a setup to get you to come back here and "try again".  Me ending up alone could just be a narrative the rulers of this Realm use to point out my failures and why I need to return here and "try again".  Or if I did have a family, maybe my own husband or children would be used against me in some way ("you didn't raise them right", "you weren't a very good wife", etc).  Maybe these loved ones would even be used to lure me back into the False Light.

When I think of all the pain I've experienced from men, the love my mother never gave me because she always saw me as a burden, the constant bullying I've endured my entire life from so-called friends, family, acquaintances, teachers and employers, I can see why so many people do ultimately end up choosing (albeit through deception) to go into the False Light:  When all you've experienced is sheer torture in this realm, the feeling of true love, fulfillment, joy and purpose must be a potent temptation.  It seems that this realm MUST subject us to the most abject loss of human dignity, in order to make the False Light seem more interesting by comparison.  Contrast is the name of the game, and it makes sense when duality is the entire foundation of the Realm.

You'll often hear people make pronouncements about this duality, as if they know it all, as if they know God's supposed "divine purpose" is to "make us better".  You'll hear these people say things like "Without pain, we can't grow", or "If you never knew pain, you would never know pleasure". What kind of a fucked up deity has such limited vision for its creation, that growth can only occur through suffering and extremes?  I'd say god is a psychopath and frankly just not very creative.  Perhaps because it's actually a lackluster AI or something.  Maybe it's just a program that runs this place without any feeling or empathy.  In any case, I think it lacks true creative power.

So what does all of this amount to in the final analysis? It simply means we need to view our lives objectively. If the love of your life breaks up with you and then fucks you over, yes that sucks, but taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture you can begin to see these situations in a new light.  You can take back your power knowing that all of this was by design to get you to come back here so that your loosh can continue to be harvested by the system.

When you view it in those terms, its much easier to detach and realize that what meager problems we experience in the 3D really don't mean much in the grand scheme.  This life you are living is probably one of many lives you've lived, and you've probably experienced untold pain in all those previous lives, so take a minute to think to yourself "Is anything I'm going through really that bad compared to the life I may have lived in ancient Greece or ancient Egypt or ancient China?"  But not only is the contrast important, its mainly the fact that our memories of all these bad occurences have been erased ON purpose so that after we do make the false choice to come back here, we won't remember what a fucking scam this place is once we begin to endure the pain again in the present life. Remember, that immense pleasure they bath you in is meant to make you dismiss any feelings of apprehension you may feel about coming back here.  When you are under the influence, you may agree to anything.  It's probably very easy to forget about the pain when you are being love-bombed in the afterlife by the "council of elders" who are all telling you how much they want you to "do better" so lets give it "one more go".  Once you've been bathed in total compassion and forgiveness, you are probably willing to put up with the contrast of the intense hardship you put up with in the life you just left. Afterall, that hardship was "necessary" for you to feel the love these beings are giving you, otherwise how would you know pleasure without pain?  Can you see what a deceptive narrative this is?  It's like an abuser saying "You would be nothing without me" in other words, you wouldn't be capable of experiencing the accomplishment you feel without them beating the shit out of you. Does it make much sense once you rephrase it that way?  

Here's my personal theory about why they need our energy: I don't think they created us. I think whatever thing made this place is evil and we are good. It needs our energy because our positive true creator energy is so powerful it needs to harvest us to sustain itself.  After all, chaos leads to destruction.  Have you ever met an evil or fucked up person who just causes havoc wherever they go, destroys whoever they are with? If you've ever dated a BPD/narcissist/psychopath, you've probably experienced this.  I experienced it with my last former roommate, so much chaos that I just had to leave. Property was literally being destroyed, not even particularly through intention; its just that these people carry such a destructive energy inside of them that it manifests in the 3D as everything around them going to shit.  They often have no regard for their surroundings or those around them because they are too busy navel gazing and worrying about their own insecurities.  One of my former roommates got black hairdye all over my bathroom (my grandfather had custom designed this bathroom, along with the rest of the house, for my grandmother). My former roommate's desire to impress men (because she required external validation from others) with a new hairstyle, far outweighed any consideration for others property.  So with that she proceeded to splash black dye droplets all over the floors, cabinets and wallpaper and left our bathtub full of blackdye water with her hair clogging the drain so it wouldn't drain out.  Consideration only for herself.  When confronted on the issue, instead of just cleaning it up, she got defensive, denied she did it (who else would have?) and then proceeded to make a half hearted attempt to "clean it", after which I spent 3 hours attempting to undo the damage she had done.

This is what I mean when I describe these people as chaotic, and I believe they resemble our supposed "creator" more than we do, because most of us attempt to maneuver through life with consideration for others, even going out of our way to make others comfortable.  These considerations don't enter into the minds of psychopaths, only what they can glean from you. Which is exactly how the Demiurge operates.  Its simply a chaotic energy suck dragging all life into it and it will never be filled.  If you stand up for yourself you will be villified, denigrated and made to feel shame and guilt for not giving it what it wants. Why does a perfect god require your perfection? Furthermore, why is a perfect god incapable of creating perfection in its own image?  Because like a narcissist, its not as good as it makes itself out to be, its insecure in itself, and it needs to drag others down to make itself feel better.  In essense, it requires your energy to sustain itself.  The big question, which is probably unanswerable, is "Why is god such a fucking narc?"  There's gotta be some backstory there.

In summary, the pain you experience in this life is for the pleasure of another being, but also to give you a false sense of security when you pierce the veil.  It is not for your benefit, it is for the benefit of someone else and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can learn to detach and become objective in the face of suffering, move on more quickly after heartbreak and develop new goals, e.g. stop investing in this Realm.  The less investment, the less pain and suffering you will feel, which is what Buddhism teaches.  But also, just think of the real lasting growth, expansion, joy, compassion and love you are going to feel once we escape this psychopathic entity!  There is nothing more pleasurable than authenticity, walking in truth and being an independent sovereign being who doesn't need others to feel whole!  No council of elders, god, angels, friends, love, family members, jobs, houses or other possessions will ever bring you that inner peace.  This is Christ-Consciousness, knowing that only you can save yourself, and therein lies true power!  Know Thyself.

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