.. the subject of sick. 

Leave it to the germaphobe of the household to get us all mad ill. Im radioactive, the cat is radioactive, the one member of the family actually close to us is as well, so much so in fact that no one is allowed to consume anything we bring into the house cause those invisible imaginary cat death germs will get the fam deathly ill. *eyeroll x facepalm*

BUT, sitting next to a motherfucking twat  thats decided to come in to work while showing bad symptoms, in a small lunchroom, while shes sneezing all over the place and "nobody really cares anymore" - thats totally fine! Man if i were the one to bring this thing home in such a way Id get fucking disowned and would never hear the end of it. 

Forget fucking covid, why was her moronic ass at work if shes so sick? And why were *you* sitting in the same space as this idiot? I dont care if its the flu, stay the fuck away from sick idiots, and if youre the sick idiot - GTFO of work lunchrooms, eat in the goddamned food court, car, somewhere where youll minimize the risk of exposing your co workers to your snotty dropplets. Or even better, stay the Fuck at home. 


I feel better writing about this now that it seemed to have subsided some and while we are all still recovering at a snails pace, at least we managed to avoid medical intervention. Kinda hoping this was indeed what we think it was (since it even managed to temporarily take down the head elephant who hasnt been sick in a decade and gets flu shots religiously), at least that way its some immunity, i suppose. 



Cover your fucking mouth while sneezing and stay thet fuck home if you cant turn off your faucet of a nose. Nobody wants your gross germs đŸ˜’đŸ€ź