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Been Saying It for 2+ Decades


Never thought any politician would have the BALLS to do what needed to be done.

Deport all illegals.

Here in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland and allllllllllll the EU.

We don't need blacks, jews, gypsies, Irish travelers, Indians or muslims.

Deport all criminals who got immigration visas.

If they resist...You know EXACTLY what I think should happen.

I want heads on pikes at the border.

I want chomos and rapists decorating trees like XMAS decorations.

Remember a few years ago when I said this is where we would end up at and you all thought I was Angry Racist Crazy?

Look at my predictions, who is batting .500+?

Once the reality of the INCREDIBLY TOXIC INGREDIENTS IN THE VAX MADE TO KILL YOU is accepted and everyone discovers that most of your leaders are Weirdo Transhumanist Rich Pedophiles who are mostly jews, then I'll just sit back and watch people who told me I was wrong, crazy or stupid suddenly forget that and pretend to be "victims."


Stay in your lane...Go wear your mask, go get your booster, go root for antifa, fags or illegals.

We will BURY YOU.

Odds are you will get sicker and sicker.

More illnesses, diseases, cancers, strokes, clots etc while pretending to not know WHY it all started spiking since 2021.

Keep pretending... It's hilarious at this point watching all these "Experts" who are "Baffled" by what could it be causing it.

🤔 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

What could it be causing all these diseases at this rate?

Is it Fuego Takis causing it?





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