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Surprisingly Well


So far Trump is doing awesome possum.

I had stopped being a fan because of his bragging about the vax, but so far so good otherwise.

I CANNOT wait for illegals to get their benefits cut off.

No Section 8, No EBT, NO Medicare or Medical, No free hotels, food, iPhones, cash cards etc.

The only way they'll stop coming is by starving them out.

For those that think I'm being cruel, I currently live in Mexico and if I didn't have double citizenship I would not be allowed to ask for ANY GOVERNMENT SERVICES.

No school, no medical, no welfare, no ability to get utilities, loans or anything BECAUSE I DON'T BELONG HERE.

It should 100% be the same in the US.

Remember all those DACA faggots burning our flag, cursing at citizens and our laws while bragging about being illegal?

I do.

Fuck them AND THEIR kids.

No illegals, no more jew wars, no forced mandates no more WORLD MILITARY POLICING.

Some shit is happening elsewhere in the world?

Not our fucking problem.

We fix our country FIRST.

Not one penny for (Not making this up):

  1. Millions to teach Inca Drag Queens how to apply make up...IN PERU.
  2. $518,000 to see how cocaine affects Japanese quail.
  3. $3 million to watch hamsters fight at Northwestern University.
  4. Millions for drug paraphernalia for smoking crack and meth given by the FEDS.
  5. Millions spent on giving alcoholics wine, beer or vodka shots to the homeless.
  6. $500,000 given to DC as a grant to build an IHOP.


It's insane.

It has to end Trump's way or when the collapse happens and we all look like starving characters in "The Road."

Honestly, it's too late, interest is multiplying too fast and change is too slow.

My idea?

Print our own currency and kill every single top member of the WEF, WHO and Central Banks.

Oh wow...Wild...It appears to be ONE group of people causing all the problems trying to keep us in debt and at war.

I wonder who I'm talking about?

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