We were having a very serious meeting at work...Something bad had happened, lives were lost, people were hurt.

Warden was yelling us for some strange reason when it wasn't even us...It was some other joint.

Suddenly my pal passed me a note with a drawing, that basically looked something like this:

And I had to stifle the high pitch laugh I was about to do...Ever try not to laugh and it  comes at you stronger?

So in this room full of supervisors and the boss to the boss to the boss to the boss of my boss...I had tears streaming down my face as I was pinching myself and biting my cheek.

Couple of people turned around as my two partners next to me caught the contagion of laughter.

So there we were 3 dumb asses armed to the teeth trying not to laugh...While I whispered"Motherfucker" under my breath trying not to giggle like a beautiful Japanese School Girl.