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So most Goths, Alts, Stoners, Punks, Emos etc are known for their mopey ways.

It's almost a joke about how gloomy we are.

But even at what I thought was the worst when we had all those Edge Lords pretending to be cutters among the Screamo/Emo community I didn't think it be so bad NOW.

I expected numbers to go down once the trend stopped.

Well I was 100% wrong about that shit.

Instead of rebounding, people under 35 have got fatter, sadder, MORE unhealthy and the killer?


TBH...Money does NOT buy happiness BUT IT RENTS IT.

Annnnnnnnd due to the Purposely Crashed Economies it's actually getting worse as MOST have zero skills at handling obstacles.

Like in the early 2000's, you could be sad, lonely but there was food, drinks, travel opportunities and money to be made...Now we're just waiting to see what new misery is expected.

I also don't believe it's 29%

I mean years ago it was 28% were taking psych and anxiety meds.

That was before they offered psych meds before surgery or after any injury.

"Lies Noodles!!!"

Nope...Any dental, medical procedure I get offered shit to "Relax me."

No thanks...Keep your brain altering chemicals.

How do people not understand that the MORE psych meds you take for say lack of Dopamine or Endorphines the LESS your body produces it later.

You literally make yourself addicted.

No doctor is saying "Let's look at your diet and cut sugar and over caffeinated drinks."


"Timmy/Matilda why don't you go for walks, get a pet/hobby, garden, read, meditate, pray etc etc."

Instead, it's all:

"Take these 💊 s and we'll play with the dosage."

Fuck that...They did that to me when I almost died and all it did was make me MORE anxious and sad when it ran out.

And I was only on that shit like 4-5 days before I refused them...Took my system 2-3 weeks to wash it out.

I know people who have been on psych meds for years and those people are always one Flat Tire or a dropped Starbucks Coffee Cup away from losing emotional control.

All those weirdos acting up who aren't drugged up on street drugs, usually have been on multiple meds WITH NO REAL LONG TERM POSITIVE RESULTS OR TBH STRAIGHT ADDICTION TO THE PHARMACEUTICALS.

Think about all the people you know on psych meds and their RIDICULOUS LONG ASS LIST OF MEDS THEY'VE TAKEN OR TAKE.

Imagine being 16, having been dosed for years and now becoming an adult, but your experience has been modified by the meds and you lack grit because you're EMOTIONALLY SOFT?

I have no idea what will happen in the future, but it won't be good...3 Entire Generations who cannot read, write, figure complex problems and are emotionally ready to cry at any obstacles.




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