No not my CamPersona name damn it!

Everyone knows it's "Summer Sausage." 

Talking about my old dog today >=( 

I started walking her little sister who ran out the door with the leash, so I ran after the little one and my fat old dog Lola got out. 

Going on 17, partly blind and deaf and out she ran!

So I grab the baby, locked her in the house and went to chase Lola down the street.

Her fat pudgy body looking like if she was a Runaway Furry Luggage Bag with 4 lil legs.

I'd yell her name and she'd turn around, smile then run off with a kick in her step.

Lil brat!  Caught her, carried her like a baby, while scolding her and then automatically got over it cus she was smiling. 

I was scared because traffic was busy on the street, but not going to lie, I was happy she still has that SPARK