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So In March


Like someone else posted, there's this video of a preacher who had a vision who saw Trump being shot in the right ear, rising in power and winning the election.


Nope...He also saw that the economic slippery slope that had been set in motion since biden came in causing what I assume will be known as "The CRASH."

It could be a Grid Issue, the dollar finally collapsing, people start dying in crazy numbers due to the vax, fuel/energy issue, internet down etc etc, but it doesn't matter...Doesn't matter if Trump or Biden is at the helm.

The Run Away Train is going to crash.

So do I believe the Pastor?

Ya and that's the scary part...Because it means when Trump starts to charge Epstein Clients, look into his assasination attempt, obama/biden's foreign bribes etc etc THEY RATHER CRASH THE SYSTEM THEN GET CAUGHT.

You all REALLY believe that all these Billionaires and Millionaires all buying far off islands, safety/panic rooms, underground bases, hiring merc units, buying THOUSANDS of acres and bunkers is coincidence?...That the very rich don't see where it's all heading too?

They are hitting it from 1000 angles...List is long and you should all know it by heart by now.

When you least expect it to happen WHATEVER IT IS that crashes the system, that's when they'll do it.

They want you weak, stupid, unaware, scared and mostly UNPREPARED.

It's a Karma thing...They can pull the levers, but at all steps of this Satanic Micky Mouse Club they have to warn you, post it and once YOU don't do anything, nor prepare then it's not their fault.

It's their rule.

That's where they want you...Awakened too late and with no time to prepare.

That's the one thing neither money, nor power or fame can buy...TIME.

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