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What If?


So listening to some weirdo podcast where the dude is trying to say many of these amazing buildings that we were told that were built by someone, in a certain year, in a certain amount of time seem very suspicious.

Names are repeated for architects who never oversaw the projects or even drew the plans.

At first, I was all:

"Dis sum bullshit this guy sounds crazier than Noodles!"

But as he showed the info and pages from multiple sources, inluding the societies that ran many of these buildings it started looking like he was correct.

Soooooo either:

Most written history is a bunch of bullshit.


A.I. is quickly erasing the past for whatever reason and changing facts, names and dates to fit whatever agenda they want.

The thing is, it's not even imporatant things that change anything...It's ridiculous details.

But time and time again this dude breaks it down using old books NOT the internet to prove his point...Showing that what was common knowledge is being manipulated to make it appear otherwise.

At first even I was "This is too much!  No way!  Why???  What would be the point???"

But after seeing his European proof, I have to say that we are being kept from knowing our true potential, true value and true intelligence.

The average man 100 years ago could make his own tools, house, raise a clean healthy family, fight in wars, build businesses and make empires by age 27.

The average male today has trouble changing his tires or making the most basic of repairs.

Men used to be lean, strong and if you ever can, read the letters from "Illiterate" poor folks writing from a war or another city to loved ones.

The verbiage, style, penmenship, spelling, grammar etc are beautiful compared to the average graduate student or person with a "Dr." put before their name or "PHD" after it.

We are becoming fatter, sicker, weaker and worst of all?

Incredibly Useless and God Damn Stupid.

Without tech or social services to hold us up almost all of us would be gone.


We are being plumped up for the slaughter...So when shit starts to collapse we don't have the ability to survive without massive losses.

My questions usually are "By WHOM and WHY?"

The question should actually be "How many times has this already happened?"

What I'm saying is:


If I'm correct or even semi-correct, when it all starts popping off because one thing becomes obvious which leads to another discovery and another discovery etc. how unconnected will you be?

How dead inside that you find that Wars were fought for oil, presidents were killed for the Federal Reserve by our own Intelligence Agencies, that most likely "OUR BIGGEST ALLY" did 9/11, that the medications they give us poison us, the food they say is safe is garbage, our water is a cesspool of psych meds and opiates, all entertainment is staged including sports just meant to keep us unaware that they are sucking us dry of life?

Most likely we'll all just tsk tsk and say that "SOMEONE should do something about it."

It's too late for all that...This truely is an amazing time to live in.

We are about to hit that Human 2.0 time, which means, in with the new...OUT WITH THE OLD.

In this case, the OLD is us.

There's people who say it started happening with CERN being activated...Who knows?

But something definately is changing at a rapid pace and whatever it is looks very bad for the average man/woman/child.

What you have now is a society of mentally/physically weak, stupid, uniformed people with almost no skills (Self included)...I personally think this evil might have a Silver Lining for those who make it.

All 3 of you.

As for the rest?

Introverts waiting to die in their tidy apartments or waiting to be looted for the few resources they do have.

We go back to the Dark Ages.



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