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Ya Ever Hang Out With "The Opposites?"


People who ALWAYS wants something not on the menu?

Then act all disappointed when it's not there?

We go to a Chinese Place?

"So you don't have burgers?"

It's a fucking Chinese place...No they don't...If you wanted burgers you should have said something while we chose the place.

We go to a fruit juice place.

"So you don't have durian?"  (That disgusting fruit that smells like it's rotting)

We are not in Indonesia or whatever mudhut village they get that shit from, how about choose among the other fucking 30 fruits THEY DO HAVE?

Same with the ice cream store and each time my patience got shorter and shorter, till I finally said something and it was like resetting a computer.

Then they started behaving...Is my sister 7 years old you ask?

No my sister is 65 and my eye was twitching like a motherfucker.

Is this what being a parent is like?

Cus fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.



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